Questioning the Official 9/11 Story

Do you believe that the government (especially this government) has never, and will never, lie to you about important matters of public concern? Do you believe that those in the vast secret apparatus of state justified by ‘national security’ would never do unsavory and even criminal things in the name of ‘security’ or what they … Read more

Arizona’s Presidential Caucus Race?

Pressure has been building since the 2004 cycle for more early contests to prevent two fairly unrepresentative states (NH and IA) from so over-determining the nomination process. Several ideas have been floated, including a Western ‘Super’ Primary, but what seems likely to actually occur is that the DNC may (they aren’t committed to action yet) … Read more

McCain Planting Seeds for Presidential Primary

John McCain has been busy spreading the love with his Straight Talk America PAC, hoping that it will return a bumber crop of votes in the ’07 primary season. He’s spread over $225,000.00 so far to state Republican party organizations alone. That’s not including the state and federal candidate contributions, and gifts to other PACs … Read more

Pederson’s Plan for Immigration Reform

I didn’t much care for Jim Pederson’s inaugural commercials, and, unfortunately, those will be likely be most Arizonan’s impression of Pederson’s immigration policies for some time to come. Fortunately, Jim has a surprising deep backfield to draw from in coming months on this issue.

He’s put forward a fairly detailed, reasonably bi-partisan, and realistic policy document on immigration. However, it was locked up in a PDF download on his site, so I decided to drag it out into the world of plain text HTML for all and sudry to peruse. Below the fold is the full Pederson immigration plan.

The plan also includes some tasty Kyl opposition research that you should look for Jim to be using as the race heats up.

I’m not inclined to be critical of Pederson’s proposal, because anything Pederson would tolerate in terms of a negotiated settlement of the issue will be worlds better than what Kyl would try to shove down our throats. Pederson’s plan doesn’t exactly stir my Progressive soul, but neither is it stupid, heinous, or plainly irrational as is nearly everything issuing from the Kyl camp these days.

My only suggestion to the cautious and dogged Pederson campaign would be to consider Latino turn-out and participation in this election and make the terms of permanent resident status or path to earned citizenship more explicit; at least in targeted Spanish language media.

Here’s the Pederson Plan…

Moms Rising

There is a new organization advocating for family friendly policies that really support the American family. Rather than just paying lip-service to ‘family values’, they want America to put its money where its mouth is and fund progressive policies that make life better for families and keep families together, strong, and stable. The organization is … Read more