Imagine if Biden Uses Supreme Court Decision to send Trump to Guantanamo

Two recent events have prompted President Biden to take the radical action of sending ex-President Trump to imprisonment in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. First of all, the recent Supreme Court decision confirmed that a President has complete immunity for official acts, and the president has undertaken such an act now that Mr. Trump presents … Read more

The 2024 Money Race: Just About Whose (Pile) is Bigger?

The news is full of reporting about contribution numbers for the presidential candidates. In the CD1 race, one of the Democratic candidates has focused on his ability to raise money, particularly given his background on Wall Street. In these cases, and in many more, the implicit assumption is that greater money means a greater chance … Read more

Morgan’s Choice in the CD1 Democratic Primary: Kurt Kroemer

For many months, I’ve been conflicted about choosing a preferred candidate in the Democratic primary in my Congressional district, CD1. Rated as one of the most competitive in the country (and one of the most likely turnovers from R to D), this race attracted six Democratic candidates. The incumbent Republican, David Schweikert, was nearly defeated … Read more

Are Those Guys Actually Conservative?

On the day I’m writing this column, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the 1864 law on abortion, a near-complete ban, is now the law. This is horrible, and the details and the response (for instance to redouble efforts to get AAA petition signatures) will be expanded on by many sources. While shocking, the decision by … Read more