BfAZ Democratic Presidential Enthusiasm Poll

To complete the poll, just click the number of stars that equates to your relative enthusiasm for that candidate. Give candidates a minimum of 1 star to indicate minimal enthusiasm, and 5 stars to indicate your favorite, or favorites. If you aren’t enthused by any of the folks listed, you needn’t give anyone all five stars.

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4 thoughts on “BfAZ Democratic Presidential Enthusiasm Poll”

  1. I find it interesting to note how out front corpmedia is is pushing the nomination of the weakest Dem candidate.

    You have to wonder exactly who they are talking to in their repeated insistence that Hillary is running away with the Dem nomination.

    It is my belief that she may be the only candidate in the field who the GOP could sufficiently Swift Boat to a defeat in 2008.

    Her baggage is substantial, whether earned or not.

    It remains to be seen if Americans in general and Democrats in particular will be able to break thru the haze of mainstream media and attempt to reclaim their country and party.

    The continued consolidation of the media in the hands of a few political beneficiaries of the current Gestapoesque regime should give us all pause.

    Especially if we see everyone following the Fox format and inventing whatever they like as facts to influence the outcome of the elections.

    Hillary is not the runaway favorite of the Democrats in spite of what we are being told.

  2. One thing on Edwards. I saw him when he was here and he was really amazing in person. I also think he has the best chance of winning states like Virginia, West Virginia, and Arkansas…states Dems really need to pick up to put together an unbeatable coalition of states to win in 2008.

    But something is still “off” with him in debates. He comes across plastic and smarmy at times. His comments about Elizabeth also seem to be wearing thin with me. His latest about how “I will put Elizabeth in touch with relating to bloggers” or something like that just sounded cheesy as hell. He just, lately, doesn’t seem very serious or Presidential to me.

    Just me.

  3. Edwards is very much still in the game. He is strong in Iowa and don’t forget what a win there means. Look at how it propelled Kerry last time (much to my chagrin). However, to me, the longer Edwards and Obama are in the race together, the better for Clinton. She has had a good last 3 weeks or so out on the campaign trail, is running a traditional establishment campaign, and is winning now. However, there is still a “can she win” and a strong block of primary folks that want someone “other than her”.

    Right now the “other than Clinton” folks seem to be divided among Edwards and Obama. The longer both of them are around, the more early states…and momentum…Hillary picks up.

  4. Interesting to see how well Edwards is doing on this little poll. I’m finding it frustrating to see how the news analysts keep focusing on just Obama and Clinton, when Edwards seems to be making a lot of the strongest points. Is it just me?

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