Biden Victorious: 270+ and Still Counting


This post has been hanging out in drafts for almost 3 days. But now this thing is over except the whining. And the rioting. And the lawsuits. And the right-wing terrorism.

To paraphrase the famous exchange between a wag and Ben Franklin: “It’s a Biden Presidency. If you can keep it.”

We can’t relax, but we can stop panicking. Biden pulled out a disturbingly close victory. Likely final result: Biden 306.

Arizona could still slip away from Biden – however statistically unlikely – but it won’t matter to the result. I will just rue the loss because then I won’t be able to tease Kelli Ward for losing the Presidency and another Senate seat on her watch. Boy, is she ever uniquely bad at her job. Keep up the great work, Dr. Ward!

Now we have to minimize the damage that Trump can do before January 20th and deal with a minority who have proven themselves to approve of being lied to, gaslit, manipulated, and abused by an insane tyrant willing to let them die of a deadly disease to glorify his fragile ego.

Now we have to protect the genuine expression of the will of the majority of our electorate – and the (superfluous) Electoral College victory – in the streets and in the courts.

Now we have to bind up our wounds as best we can, join hands with all people of goodwill and sound mind to carry forward the democratic experiment for another election in 2022, and another in 2024.

There is no overwhelming repudiation of Trumpism by America to be found in this result. Even though America has rejected Trump, the base of the GOP clearly still clearly embraces Trumpism. We need to make alliances with conservatives who have opened their eyes to the evil of Trump their party has hatched and nurtured.

Democrats seem currently unlikely to carry a majority in the Senate into the Biden Presidency, even though Arizona did its part by sending Mark Kelly to the Senate. We will have a crack at it in January in Georgia, which will become the center of the American political landscape.

Even if we fall short there, the GOP once again has a hard map to defend in 2022, and we will have to demonstrate why and how the GOP is abusing their minority-majority position to subvert the will of the people more clearly and convincingly than we did this election.

Rest, do some self-care, and refresh yourselves; the civil war against this cancer on our political body that is Trump and Trumpism has only begun. We’ve won the first battle, but their army is still largely intact, and the war to cut the cancer out has only just begun. We can start by stealing that portion of Trump’s base that is persuadable, rather than be tempted to write them all off as a lost cause.


12 thoughts on “Biden Victorious: 270+ and Still Counting”

  1. It’s been a long time coming, the last four years has felt like an eternity.

    But it is truly an awe-inspiring moment in history when the people stand up and take back what is rightfully theirs. The Republic has been saved, the American Experiment will go on. The Orwellian nightmare is over.

    God bless America because we sure as hell need it. It’s a long road ahead.

  2. Yes, the center of political attention will soon turn to Georgia! How 2020 that one state will decide the fate of the nation’s politics for the next two years. I will be donating my ass off to Warnock and Ossoff.

    • Democrats need to frame these races as the forces for decency and progress against the Political Prince of Darkness-Enemy of the People Mitch McConnell and the cult forces of the Trump Zone, Fox Island, Disinfowars, and Q’Anon. Especially Loeffer who embraced the Georgia candidate that is Q’Anon.

      • And to help in doing that they need to continually stress the Hero’s Act, how it benefits them, and by electing Ossoff & Warnock Georgia voters can remove the obstruction that’s preventing them from getting the help they need.

        I realize the above doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker but perhaps some skilled Democratic wordsmiths can condense it nearly one that does without sacrificing the message. Perhaps something like:

        The lifesaving Hero’s Act has been strangled by Majority Leader Moscow Mitch. Electing Ossoff & Warnock takes his power away and makes passage possible. Be sure to vote this January!

  3. To paraphrase a comment I saw on another site “I feel like I’ve been in a terrible auto accident, know that some bones are probably broken but happy to know I’m alive”. Let the healing begin! To start my healing I’m kicking a few bucks to Ossoff & Warnock. May President Elect Biden have a Senate who will work with him!

    • I’ve already pledged $20.21 per week to both the Warnock and Ossoff campaigns until January. I urge everyone to do the same, if you can!

      • That’s great! I’m kicking in $100.00 later this month to Fair Fight. Believe Stacey Abrams has a handle on the state.

  4. So many people complaining about how we didn’t get the massive Blue Wave as predicted.

    What I see is nearly 80 million Americans all standing up and telling Trump he’s fired.

    Record shattering numbers.

    Sorry for the politically incorrect analogy, but that was the pimp slap heard around the world.


    That is a Blue Wave that’s gonna’ leave a mark.

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