Our local blog jester, AZ State Senator John Kavanaugh, is usually infamous around here for being a notorious troll and for advocating for REALLY bad legislation.
But this session he has done at least one thing right: he dropped a bill to allow Arizona School Board candidates to use the E-Qual system to gather petition signatures to get on the ballot.
From this week’s CEBV Newsletter, “SB1041, sponsored by John Kavanagh (R-3), would allow school board candidates to use Arizona’s electronic signature portal, E-Qual, to gather signatures. Stacey Travers (D-12) has introduced an identical bill, HB2151. Scheduled for Senate Education Committee, Wednesday.” You can read the fact sheet on the bill, here.
There really is nothing not to like about this bill. It’s a common-sense addition to a successful program that makes life a little easier for voters and candidates alike.
Now, let’s do the same for citizens by allowing Citizen Initiatives to be signed via E-Qual. All you have to do is repeal one little clause in current law restricting E-Qual’s use, and add Initiative petitions to the list!
Good job, Johnny Jester. Don’t say I never give credit where it is due!
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Initiatives and referenda, John would just as soon get rid of them completely. A one party dictatorship is his goal. The Big Guy himself gave us our ideas. All those pesky New Testament thingies about compassion and tolerence, those are inconvenient and easily ignored in the hypocrite universe. Why are the MAGA people afraid of everything?
Betting that JGCK did this only because he believes his proposal will help RW types looking to take over school boards more than it will help normal folks.
He’s consistent about working against the best interests of civil society.
This falls into the “That Heeetleer guy wasn’t all bad, after all, he killed Heeetleer!” category of news. (1)
Making good laws is JGCK’s f’n job. (2)
Now, I’m going off to work, where I’m sure there’s a parade for me for doing something that I’m supposed to do at my f’n job. (3)
(1) Using a phonetic spelling to avoid hate speech filters, if there are still any hate speech filters, because some hate speech filters flag that guy’s name, like I’m sure they’ll do for JGCK’s name someday.
(2) JGCK set the bar low so here we are.
(3) Don’t @me, I’m just learning from MAGA, always double down and never give an inch.