2 thoughts on “Cartoon of The Week”

  1. More humor and from who else? The Grifter-in-Chief…

    Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 6h6 hours ago

    All of this “Russia” talk right when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts & Reform. Is this coincidental? NOT!

    Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago

    Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?),….

    Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago

    …the Uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more. Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia,….

    Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago

    …”collusion,” which doesn’t exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R’s…

    Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago

    …are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING!

    Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 8h8 hours ago

    As usual, the ObamaCare premiums will be up (the Dems own it), but we will Repeal & Replace and have great Healthcare soon after Tax Cuts!

  2. And to add to the humor, a 2011 tweet from Donald Trump…

    Donald J. Trump‏Verified account

    I play golf to relax. My company is in great shape. @BarackObama plays golf to escape work while America goes down the drain.
    11:12 AM – 30 Dec 2011

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