Tucson Mayor Romero Signs Gun Safety Pledge

Flanked by a sea of gun safety advocates, Tucson Mayor Regina Romero signed a gun safety pledge to support background checks, red flag laws and a ban on large gun magazines. Romero joined other elected officials and community members to announce her official joining of Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), a bipartisan coalition of mayors … Read more

Virginia will pass the ERA in 2020, then the legal games will begin

Supporters of the Equal Rights Amendment are so confident Virginia is on the verge of becoming the critical 38th state to ratify the gender equality measure, they are already making plans for how they will celebrate. The Associated Press reports, Lawmakers pledge ERA will pass in Virginia. Then what? In Virginia, the ERA’s future is … Read more

The 2020 Census and redistricting

On December 30, 2019 the Census Bureau released its newest population estimates for every state, detailing how many residents each state has gained or lost since the last census, in 2010. The Census Bureau provides the next Important Dates to come in the 2020 Census: Counting every person living in the United States is a massive undertaking, … Read more

LD 20 Representative Anthony Kern is not the “Chosen One”

Legislative District 20 Representative Anthony Kern is the latest Republican member of the Arizona State Legislature that thinks scientifically accurate age-appropriate sex education is bad for children. He joins a club of fellow same thinking village idiots that includes Speaker Russell “I attend Hate Group Conferences” Bowers, State Senator Sylvia “Out of the Closet Racist” … Read more

The Arizona Bicameral Sustainability Workgroup wants to work with Cities and Businesses on Clean Air Programs That Work.

Sustainably Workgroup Chairperson and Arizona Legislative District 18 Representative Mitzi Epstein and the other group members are not looking to reinvent the wheel with regards to programs to reduce air pollution. They want to take clean air programs that have been introduced with success in other cities and through various businesses and build on them … Read more