Taking the LEED in energy efficiency

HB2496 schools; energy and water savings (Mason, J. Burns, Aboud, et al.), having passed the House 56-3, now awaits action by the Senate Committee of the Whole. Every citizen concerned with the environment and energy independence should encourage its passage. The bill creates an incentive for installing energy and water saving systems and techniques. Schools will … Read more

Bush’s Positive Legacy

In America, we tend to naively consider politicians to be pure embodiments of either good or bad forces. We seldom view their acts as the products of fallible humans. One bothersome side effect is our personal selective editing of the legacies of every President depending on our political allegiances. For those Presidents we like, we … Read more

Reading Liberally 4/16

Reading Liberally meets Monday 4/16 at 7pm.  Drinking Liberally regulars Gloria and Andre have kindly offered to host. Soup will be served starting at 6:30pm. Please feel free to bring munchies and/or beverages of your choice, both with and without alcohol.  The book, if you haven’t read it yet, is Ghost Planes by Stephen Grey. … Read more

Repeal the Red Menace

When the last time you worried about the international communistic conspiracy? Unless you are rather outside the mainstream of American politics, it’s probably been nearly 20 years since you’ve considered communism a genuine threat to our way of life. But yet, as with many other obsessions and scares, our political history remains in written in … Read more

My Lifetime by Francine Shacter

Francine Shacter, former candidate for the Democratic nomination to Congress in CD 8, recorded this commentary on the enduring ideals that define the Democratic party and the need to reconnect with our role as the champions of the average American. Francine looks forward to reaffirming in 21st century those bedrock values that made the American … Read more