Not Friends of Steve Farley

Link: Steve Farley, Democratic nominee for State House in LD 28, former Tucson city council candidate, and public transportation activist, has been catching some flak from the red end of the media spectrum for some of his remarks about some of the GOP nominees for state lege in southern Arizona. Farley laid down some … Read more

Right Roots Disses Graf

Link: Right Roots by The RNC has left Graf off a list of their ‘rising star’ candidates supported by their new national ABCPAC. One of the hottest races in the nation was just written off yet again by the GOP. If I were Randy, I’d be feeling a little unloved…

Drinking Liberally 10/5

This week at Drinking Liberally, (Thursday, Oct. 5th, starting at 6pm at The Shanty on 4th Ave and 9th Str at the underpass) our special guest is Dr. Tom Volgy, former Mayor of Tucson and former Democratic candidate for Congress. Dr. Volgy is also a professor of political science with specialty in international affairs at … Read more

Punch Clock Project

via Sunlight Network: Punch Clock Responses. If you are an employer, you want to know your employee is doing his job, not out back smoking crack, mugging some schmo, or getting jolly with a local hooker. Well, it seems that’s just about what some of our Congressmembers seem to have been up to. The Punch … Read more

Frist Calls for Talks with Taliban

Via International Herald Tribune: U.S. Senate majority leader calls for efforts to bring Taliban into Afghan government. Boy, this is going to hurt… I’m going to have to go out to the workshop, put my hand in the vise, and saw it off with a hack saw after I type this (with one hand, so … Read more