Election Protection Hotline Numbers

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: Here are the Election Protection Hotline numbers you should keep handy if you are either voting at or working as a poll observer at the polls on Election Day: DNC National Voter Protection Hotline: 1-800-311-VOTE (or 1-800-311-8683) Arizona Democratic Party Voter Protection Hotline: 1-877-550-5706 Arizona Advocacy Network: • 1-866-MYVOTE1 (866-698-6831)• 1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)• 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA … Read more

Jeff Flake campaigns with GOP voter suppression group Verify The Vote

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Michael Bryan reported on the misleading robo calls from The Flake campaign to Democratic voters in an attempt to suppress their vote, but over the weekend The Flake campaigned with the GOP voter suppression group Verify The Vote, the Arizona offshoot of True the Vote.

Press release from the Dr. Richard Carmona for U.S. Senate campaign:

Flake Visits Group with History of Latino Voter Suppression 
 Verify the Vote’s training video encourages voter challenges on illegal grounds

Congressman Jeff Flake campaigned in Tempe [Saturday] with "Verify the Vote," a group with a history of utilizing voter suppression and intimidation tactics against Latino voters in Arizona. The visit was reported by the Huffington Post after one of Verify the Vote's poll watchers tweeted a picture with Flake.

Verify the Vote is a local offshoot of "True the Vote," a right-wing group the non-partisan group Common Cause has called “a threat to the fundamental right to vote.”

The group's online training video includes several pieces of misinformation about the role of a poll observer. The video falsely tells poll watchers that:

  • They can challenge a voter just for being on the inactive voting file.  
  • Voters on an inactive list must be given provisional ballots rather than a regular ballot. 
  • A voter on the inactive list must "satisfy the inspector" of their address rather than just "affirm" it to poll workers.

Each of those statements are false

“Jeff Flake visiting a group known for voter suppression only three days from Election Day is troubling,” said Carmona for Arizona communications director Andy Barr. “Verify the Vote has a history of intimidation and suppression of minority and low-income voters. Flake should be ashamed to associate with such a group."

The GOP war on voting threatens democracy

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Ilyse Hogue, co-director of Friends of Democracy, a super PAC aimed at electing candidates who champion campaign finance reform, and the former director of political advocacy and communications for MoveOn.org, has written this opinion piece for CNN. GOP's push to suppress vote threatens democracy (excerpts):

This election year is the
culmination of years of Republican efforts to foment confusion and fear
to keep certain Americans from voting. That is a subplot of this
election, but one that will have massive consequences. In close and
bitterly fought elections, there's far more at stake than who occupies
the White House: Americans' belief in the integrity of our democracy
hangs in the balance.

These efforts are
pernicious, pervasive and professionalized. In a recent New Yorker
article, Jane Mayer profiled Hans von Spakowsky, a legal fellow at the
conservative Heritage Foundation who has been hyping the myth of voter impersonation fraud since 1998, despite mountains of evidence refuting his claim.
(The Brennan Center for Justice has concluded that many more people are
struck by lightning than commit in-person voter fraud.) Rep. John Lewis
— a civil rights hero who bled to get all Americans the right to vote
describes von Spakowsky as waking up every morning thinking "What can I do today to make it more difficult for people to vote?"

Spakowsky is a close adviser to True the Vote,
a Houston-based organization funded by wealthy conservative donors that
has led challenges against the registration of minority voters across
the country.

Because of these
challenges, thousands of Americans who have voted reliably in the same
place every year have had to attend formal hearings to defend their
registrations or be disqualified from voting. The group has been so
aggressive and so inaccurate in its work that Rep. Elijah Cummings has said it could "amount to a criminal conspiracy to deny legitimate voters their constitutional rights."

The backbone of the voter
suppression movement has been the national push to institute a
labyrinth of voter identification laws. Thirty-three states have passed such laws since 2009.

Nightline investigates True the Vote voter intimidation and suppression

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Dan Harris of ABC News does an investigative report for Nightline on True The Vote voter intimidation and voter suppression. The founder of True The Vote, Catherine Engelbrect, lies her ass off in this interview, and Mr. Moran does a fairly weak job of pointing it out, tripping her up once on a county attorney's finding of race-based voter challenges in Houston in a prior election. Moran accurately points out that "Study after study has shown that voter fraud is virtually non-existent."

Video below the fold.