Andy Thomas’ Judicial Tyranny Conspiracy Theories

By Michael Bryan

Thomas123Disgraced and disbarred, almost-Arizona-Attorney-General Andy Thomas published a conspiracy-theory laced diatribe on 'judicial tyranny'. It is an impressively reality-challenged piece of political propaganda. The defining feature of propaganda is hyperbolic and unsupported assertions lacking any sort of proof or factual basis: Andy's rant has this feature in spades.

Let's take a look at what Andy has to say, and point out it's many, many problems. Andy is in bold and I'm in italics…

[hat tip to Sonoran Alliance for publishing this oozing sore on the face of our public life…]
Read the oozing sore, and my attempt to apply antibiotic, after the click…

Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: On this day in 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act. And Republicans have been trying to get rid of it ever since. DCCC Chairman Steve Israel released this statement to mark the 47th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act: “As we pause to reflect and celebrate the 47th … Read more

Saturday Editorial August 4th, 2012

In the flurry of news and opinion gusting out of our computer screens and smart phones, it is easy to become ‘news blind’ – so focused on the flakes and flurries that we forget where we are headed. We stumble confusedly ahead with no map to our destination. It’s easy to get lost in the storm.

Donkeysatmanger2I personally read almost every news source in Arizona – and keep up with national reaction to our politics, as well – in bringing to readers of BlogForArizona the Arizona Donkey Feed, which appears on our right-hand sidebar every day (you may also have the Feed emailed to you daily). So I, too, often find myself in that blizzard without a map.

I decided I might like to sit down once a week and take some time to look around, and identify what I think are the most significant landmarks around where we stand now. It might not be a map that will tell us where we are headed, but maybe I can get some idea of where we are. Over time, perhaps it will become a map of sorts. You can even look back to all the editorials I have done so far, which isn’t that many, yet…

Drinking-liberally1I would also like to let you all know that Cam Juarez, candidate for Tucson Unified School Board, will be guest-host at Drinking Liberally in Tucson. Come down to the Shanty of 4th Avenue this Wednesday at 6pm and enjoy a beer with Cam.

This week, I write about:

An excellent peice of must-see political television presided over by Jim Nintzel,

The Chik-Fil-A culture war comes home to Arizona,

Brewer’s decision on Medicaid expansion will be a matter of life and death for Arizonans, and

The Best New Thing in Arizona Politics has something to do with Ben Quayle… 

See it all after the click…

Someone should modify this ad to run against Rep. Trent Franks

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Hotel executive Jim Graves, the Democratic opponent of the Minnesota Loon, Michele Bachmann (R-MN), has launched a web video directly comparing her to former Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-WI):

“I have a message for Rep. Bachmann: it’s nothing to be proud of,” Graves said of his opponent's fundaising in an email to supporters Thursday. “That money was the direct result of a hateful and dangerous witch-hunt that viciously smeared a dedicated public servant. It echoed of a dark time in our nation’s history that we thought was behind us.”

“McCarthyism was dangerous then. It’s dangerous now.”

Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) is one of the Minnesota Loon's four cohorts in this religious bigotry McCarthyism.

Video below the fold.

Chick-fil-A Intolerance Day

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: So Chick-fil-A holds an appreciation intolerance day and all the gay haters come out to buy one of their over-priced sandwiches at the direction of Rick Warren and Mike Huckabee. Suckers, Carl's Jr. chicken sandwich is way better, and it's on the dollar menu! Of course, the "lamestream" media took their cues … Read more