The GOP war on voting: Jim Crow on trial in Pennsylvania

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Closing arguments in the case of Jim Crow on trial in Pennsylvania began on Wednedsday. Lawyer: Pa. agrees, no evidence of fraud:

A lawyer for plaintiffs said the state's new voter identification law should be blocked from taking effect because as many as one million people lack proper identification and could be prevented from voting on Election Day, while a Commonwealth attorney said the law should stand because it places no special burdens on any class of people.

Vic Walczak, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, said not only will the law disenfranchise the petitioners that he represents, but the Commonwealth has agreed there is no evidence of in person voter fraud – the very basis on which the law was approved.

"There are registered voters who will be unable to vote under this law," said Walczak in his closing arguments on the final day of the weeklong hearing. "The Commonwealth has not assured us that every one of the petitioners can vote and that's the tip of the iceberg."

In testimony at trial, Witnesses say state isn't ready for voter ID rule:

PennDot offices throughout the state seem ill-equipped to handle the expected demands of voters seeking state-issued identification cards, according to witnesses Tuesday in Commonwealth Court.

In recent visits, the witnesses said they found long lines, short hours and misinformed clerks, all of which made obtaining voter identification cumbersome, and in some cases impossible, for those that don't have supporting documentation.

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"There is a burden associated with this law and a burden on a fundamental right is unconstitutional," said Marian Schneider, a lawyer with the Advancement Project, a civil rights group.

Four other witnesses from across the state – all of whom already have PennDot issued licenses – went to driver's license centers at the behest of voters' rights groups seeking to determine the difficulty in obtaining IDs.

All reported roadblocks such as limited or no public transportation to PennDot offices; limited hours when authorized employees were available; and clerks who said there was a $13.50 charge for the IDs, which, in fact, are to be issued free.

Lawyers are seeking an injunction ahead of the Nov. 6 election when the law passed by the Republican-controlled legislature is to take effect.

Commonwealth Court Judge Robert E. Simpson said he would issue his ruling the week of Aug. 13. Both sides have said they will appeal the ruling to the state Supreme Court.

UPDATE: Closing arguments in the trial over Pennsylvania’s voter ID law wrapped up Thursday.

9th Circuit Court enjoins Arizona abortion law from taking effect today

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

A 9th Circuit Court of Appeals panel has issued an injunction against implementation of Arizona’s precedent-challenging “fetal pain” abortion ban, that was scheduled to take effect today. Appeals court blocks Arizona's 20-week abortion ban:

With the injunction in place, the restrictions in the Mother's Health and Safety Act (sic) cannot be enforced until the San Francisco-based appeals court hears the case, likely in late October or early November, and issues a ruling. A court decision could take weeks, if not months.

The law, which would make abortions illegal 20 weeks after a woman's last menstruation, is based on the concept of fetal pain. Arizona lawmakers this spring justified the abortion ban by citing evidence that they say proves fetuses feel pain at the 20th week after gestation.

The bill passed with strong Republican support, and Gov. Jan Brewer signed it into law, saying it "recognizes the precious life of the pre-born baby."

But the Center for Reproductive Rights and the American Civil Liberties Union sued on behalf of three abortion doctors in federal court, arguing the law is unconstitutional. The U.S. Supreme Court, they argued, has established that abortions are illegal at the point a fetus becomes viable. That is generally between the 22nd and 24th weeks of pregnancy, according to medical experts and abortion clinics.

On Monday, conservative activist U.S. District Court Judge James Teilborg upheld the law, triggering the request for a preliminary injunction. For those of you unfamiliar with Judge Teilborg, Molly Redden at The New Republic explains in Angry at the Arizona Abortion Ruling? Blame Democrats Too.:

At first blush, the players who facilitated the ruling—the uncompromising, rightwing governor who signed the bill; the ultra-conservative general assembly members who shepherded it to passage; and the recalcitrant judge, who was moved by his personal passions to defy well-established abortion law—exhibit a familiar scenario: Conservative dominance of the courts has, once again, thwarted a cherished Democratic objective.

Open Elections/Open Government Act initiative oral arguments this Friday

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

The Open Elections/Open Government Act initiative (.pdf) is presently scheduled for oral argument before Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Mark Brain on Friday, August 3 at 9:30 a.m.

The Plaintiffs, Save Our Vote Opposing C-03-2012, have filed their Opening Brief (.pdf).

The Real Party in Interest, Open Government Committee, has filed its Opposition Brief (.pdf).

Let's break it down.

This is a "separate amendment rule" aka "single subject rule" challenge to the initiative. Arizona Const. Art. 21 § 1. Plaintiffs argue first that "In addition to proposing a top-two primary system, the Initiative seeks to rewrite scores of statutes that, among other areas, govern the conduct of elections, nomination procedures, nomination signature and other ballot access requirements, campaign finance regulation, political party organization and conduct, and Voting Rights Act compliance."

Second, Plaintiffs argue "Complicating matters is that the Initiative fails to propose these amendments in black-and-white language for voters to evaluate."

Third, "the Initiative's 100 word statement that appears on the petition signature sheets grossly misstates what the voters are being asked to approve."

Federal District Court Judge grants temporary injunction for defunding Planned Parenthood

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: The Arizona Capitol Times (subscription required) reports that U.S. District Court Judge Neil Wake has temporarily blocked Arizona from implementing a new law that prohibits public funds from going to Planned Parenthood. Court blocks recent Arizona abortion law targeting Planned Parenthood’s funding: The law bars the state from contracting with or making … Read more