Dailylit.com: Your Daily Lit Fix

Last Sunday I wrote about the learn-while-you-feed-the-world site, Freerice.com. The basic idea of Freerice.com is, you take an online vocab quiz, and every time you get a right answer, 20 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations World Food Program. Good stuff. Today’s site, Dailylit.com won’t help feed the world, but it might … Read more

McCain on Education

by David Safier Wednesday I wrote a post, Obama on Education. Thursday it was Clinton on Education. Today it’s McCain’s turn. I planned to give you a detailed summary of McCain’s educational proposals like I did with Obama and Clinton, but I can’t, because there are no details on his Issues: Education page. His entire … Read more

Guns in the Schools

by David Safier Should we allow people with weapons permits to carry guns in schools? Let’s take a look at two very different scenarios: Two people bring their guns to work with them: Senator Karen Johnson, one of the legislators behind the guns-in-schools bill, and Ms. Johnson, a high school teacher. Senator Johnson sits in … Read more

“How Can Teens Be Hurt By That?”

by David Safier Today’s Daily Star carried an op ed, Why schools should teach abstinence. The writer, Johnny L. Williams, doesn’t spend much time defending abstinence-only education. Instead, he tells stories about famous young people who held onto their virginity – an American Idol winner, a Miss USA, a basketball player. He ends the op … Read more

Clinton on Education

by David Safier Yesterday, I posted a summary of Obama’s education agenda. Today it’s Clinton’s turn. You can read about her proposals on the Improving Our Schools page on her website. For more detailed information, follow the “Hillary’s Plans” links. I have to say, Clinton’s bold, innovative program for education surprised me, in a good … Read more