There is Bipartisanship in Washington D.C. ; Unfortunately it does not Include Build Back Better or Voting Rights

Apparently, small ball is just as prevalent in Washington D.C. as it is in baseball. While the big headline bills of Build Back Better, increased voting rights, immigration reform, and justice reform languish (for now,) other less “controversial” (to Republicans) and vitally important bills are garnering widespread support. According to reporting by NBC News, Congress … Read more

If Reelected to the Arizona Corporation Commission, Sandra Kennedy will fight for Clean Energy Jobs and Lower Utility Rates for Everyone

If Reelected to the Arizona Corporation Commission, Sandra Kennedy will fight for Clean Energy Jobs and Lower Utility Rates for Everyone Arizona Corporation Commissioner Sandra Kennedy is running with Tempe City Councilwoman (and former Vice Mayor) Lauren Kuby on a ticket to hopefully secure a majority for ratepayers on that unwritten fourth branch of the … Read more

Under Mayor Regina Romero and the Tucson City Councils Leadership, Infrastructure Improvements Continue to Move Forward

Another week in Tucson. More positive infrastructure news. At their January 25, 2022 meeting, Mayor Regina Romero and the Tucson City Council approved an updated version of the Electric Vehicle Readiness Roadmap. The goals for the updated roadmap include: Transition 100% of the City’s light-duty vehicle fleet to electric by 2030. Increase the stock of … Read more

The Phoenix City Council Approves Several Sustainability Policies For Today and Tomorrow

This week (January 26, 2022,) Mayor Kate Gallego and the Phoenix City Council continued their efforts to modernize the city’s sustainability policy and cultivate the next generation of climate leaders. In a series of votes, the Council approved measures to expanding their: Green Transit Program and convert local buses to run on clean energy sources. … Read more