DNC Convention Preview: Cristina Saralegui to address convention

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Cristina Saralegui, the popular Latina television host who has been referred to as the “Hispanic Oprah,”  will speak at the Democratic National Convention, according to the DNC and the Obama for America campaign. Cristina Saralegui to speak at Democratic convention:

2012_DNC_Logo_RGB_1_11Saralegui as well as actress Eva Longoria will join a roster of speakers during the three-day event which takes place in Charlotte, North Carolina, September 4th through 6th.

In June, Saralegui publicly endorsed President Barack Obama. “You’ve had our back, and now, with utmost respect and admiration, I have yours.” The Cuban-American television and radio talk show host added that  ”President Obama is a principled man who has worked hard to put healthcare and a good education in the reach of millions of Americans, and believes that everyone who works hard and plays by the rules, should have a fair shot at the American dream.”

Video below the fold.

Democratic & Republican conventions: Occupiers/protesters ready for delegates


by Pamela Powers Hannley

Occupiers in Tampa, Florida and Charlotte, NC are gearing up for the deluge of politicians, dignitaries, convention delegates, journalists, and other protesters who are about to descend upon their cities.

The Republican National Convention (RNC) will be held in Tampa will be August 27-30. The Democratic National Convention (DNC) will be held in Charlotte (AKA Wall Street of the South) from September 3-6.

With their anti-women, anti-any-color-but-white, anti-immigrant, anti-middle class, anti-gay, anti-union… OK… anti-99% agenda, the RNC offers a fertile field for protests from the rest of us. With Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan on the ticket, the Republicans have cemented their place in history as the party of the 1%. 

Occupy Tampa is one of the few Occupations with tents on the ground, and they plan to be camping– and protesting– during the RNC.

More hints about what will be happening outside the convention halls, after the jump.

DNC Convention Preview: List of speakers (Updated)

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: The first two days of the 2012 Democratic National Convention, Tuesday, September 4, and Wednesday, September 5, will be held at Time Warner Cable Arena. The final night of the convention, Thursday, September 6, will be held at Bank of America Stadium. Former President Jimmy Carter will address the 2012 Democratic National … Read more

DNC Convention Preview: Latino Star Power

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro will deliver the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, making him the first Latino to receive the honor. Julian Castro, San Antonio Mayor, To Be First Latino DNC Keynote Speaker:

2012_DNC_Logo_RGB_1_11"As mayor, Julian Castro has worked tirelessly to move San Antonio forward by building its economy from the middle out, not the top down, by putting the city on a path to being a leader in the new energy economy and making innovative investments in education to prepare San Antonio's students for the jobs of the future," said Los Angeles Mayor and Democratic Convention Chair Antonio Villaraigosa in a statement. "That's the same vision forward for the middle class the President has, and it stands in stark contrast to Mitt Romney, who's ready to return us to the same policies that crashed our economy."

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In a video message, Castro, 37, called his role at the convention "an honor I don't take lightly." He recalled watching and being inspired by President Barack Obama's keynote speech at the 2004 convention. That speech catapulted Obama, at the time a state senator from Illinois, onto the national stage.

"We've come so far over the past three and a half years under Obama's leadership," Castro said in the video. "And I know he's not done yet. We've got a lot more work to do."

Video beow the fold.

Tampa Bay gets ready for the GOP

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: Tampa Bay, Florida will be hosting the Republican National Comvention from August 27 to August 30. There is an urban legend that Tampa Bay is the strip club capital of America. “It’s not true,” said Joe Redner, the owner of the renowned Mons Venus strip club in Tampa Bay. The Tampa Bay … Read more