Elections for the Anti-Solar Salt River Project Board on April 7

By Karen Contos. Seven members of the Salt River Project (SRP) are up for election on April 7. The SRP, which has been anti-solar power, sets electric rates for 15 cities near Phoenix. Because the Arizona Corporation Commission does not regulate the SRP, the makeup of the District Board is crucial to hold management accountable. … Read more

House Democrats propose ratification of ERA in 2019.

Virginia Dumped the #GOP & Passed the #ERA (video)

January 15, 2020 is a red letter day for the women of the United States because the Virginia Legislature ratified the Equal Rights Amendment. While the Arizona Legislature has been tied up in pomp and circumstance, speeches, and meetings with lobbyists during this first week, Virginia got busy and passed the ERA. How did this … Read more

Moscow Mitch, Let the Press do its Job

The Political Prince of Darkness-Grim Reaper-Obstructionist in Chief-Enemy of the People-Moscow Mitch McConnell wants to put limits on the Press during the Senate Impeachment Trial. These restrictions, reported by the Associated Press, include the corraling of journalists to a “designated area” which would hinder reporters asking Senators questions in the hallway and a security check … Read more

Republican appointed federal judges are slow-walking Trump cases on purpose

U.S. District Court Judge Trevor McFadden (appointed by President Donald Trump) in Washington on Tuesday ordered the House Democrats’ suit for Donald Trump’s tax returns put on hold until a separate legal fight over the subpoena to former White House counsel Don McGahn gets worked out. Huh? Judge puts Democrats’ suit for Trump’s tax returns on hold: McFadden’s … Read more