California is the first state to require presidential candidates to submit income tax returns

First, some context: in 2012 Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett made Barack Obama’s birth certificate a potential ballot issue in Arizona. In an interview with an Arizona conservative radio host, Bennett said it would be “possible” that he keeps President Obama off the Arizona ballot in November unless he receives “confirmation” from the state of … Read more

Dear Mr. Trump: How does Racially Dividing the Country Make America Great Again?

This country owes a debt of ingratitude to James Comey, Jill Stein supporters, and all the voters who stayed home either because they thought Hillary Clinton was going to win or because they did not see a reason to vote. Their actions/inactions made it possible for the combined version of Karl Lueger (Mayor of Vienna … Read more

Coming this fall: Show trials for U.S. intelligence agents who investigated Russian interference in 2016

Donald Trump and his propaganda network Fox News aka Trump TV have long promoted the conspiracy theory that a “deep state” within the intelligence community plotted a “coup” against his presidency. They have long promoted the idea of “investigate the investigators” who conducted the Russia investigation. Shortly after taking office, Trump compared the U.S. intelligence … Read more

Dear Mr. Trump: How does taking Children off Free and Reduced Lunch Make America Great Again?

Many stories have been written about the recent attack from the 2016  Popular Vote Loser Administration on the poor by making it harder for those in the lower classes to qualify for the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), commonly known as Food Stamps, program. Fellow Blog For Arizona contributor AZ Blue Meanie released a piece … Read more

Arizona Legislators setting up a new Sustainability Work Group

What is a Sustainability Work Group and why are Arizona Legislators setting one up? For now, the draft purpose statement of the group states that it is to: “Work with businesses and sustainability organizations to develop a state sustainability plan for Arizona. Air quality, drought, fire, tourism, manufacturing, and transportation-these issues are related to each … Read more