Chris Matthews Trashes Rick Perry, and I’m on Perry’s Side

Posted by Bob Lord

No, I'm not kidding. Matthews has a few of his regular guests on, and they're going after Karl Rove. Then, he transitions to a rif on Rick Perry. He plays Perry on Laura Ingraham's show, where he said that when politicians moderate their views in order to win votes, it weakens them. He goes on to state that voters look for consistency in politicians. Matthews ridicules this, explaining how sometimes people (like Perry) who don't know politics get elected. Then, Matthews goes on to show a clip of Barry Goldwater famously saying that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. And Matthews ridicules that as well!

Does Matthews realize he just offended every principled viewer out there? Essentially, he trashed both Perry and Goldwater for principled statements. Perry stated that politicians should not take positions purely to win votes. What the hell is wrong with that? As for Matthews' ridiculing of Goldwater, is he suggesting that we should be moderate in the pursuit of justice? Really?

I hope the right goes after Matthews for this. He deserves it.