Coward Juan Ciscomani Refuses to Stand with Donald Trump!

Wow! I can’t believe that Republicans here in Southern Arizona will put up with this:

Former president Donald Trump is dominating the congressional endorsement game, picking up the backing of every member of the House GOP leadership as well as an increasing number of senators.

But a key group has not endorsed him: the most vulnerable 17 House Republicans who represent districts where President Biden beat Trump in 2020. 

Trump’s endorsements mostly come from Republicans in red districts where members fear a primary from the right. 

But for swing-district Republicans, it’s arguably less beneficial to proactively back the former president, who continues to deny that he lost the last election, calls Jan. 6 convicts “hostages” and says he will prosecute his political enemies if elected.

“You’ve got to let the primary run its course,” is all that Rep. Juan Ciscomani (R-Ariz.), a freshman running for reelection in a district that Biden won by less than 1 percentage point, said when asked why he hasn’t endorsed Trump. 

WaPo Politics 202 Newsletter By Leigh Ann Caldwell and Theodoric Meyer

I guess that Ciscomani’s penchant for pretending to be a moderate but voting like a MAGA (including for the baseless impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas!) has overtaken his good sense once again.

Note that a NAY vote is IN FAVOR of an impeachment inquiry…

Doesn’t Juan know that it is not too late for a primary challenge for the Republican nomination in his district? Trump is not known for tolerating such ambiguous loyalties among the Republican faithful… and how is Trump going to win in Arizona without winning in Ciscomani’s district?

Better get on that statement of endorsement immediately Juan!

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1 thought on “Coward Juan Ciscomani Refuses to Stand with Donald Trump!”

  1. With profuse apologies to War:

    Ciscomani is no friend of mine
    Ciscomani is no friend of mine
    He drink MAGA, we all drink the wine
    He drink MAGA, we all drink the wine

    The MAGAs had us pinned down at the court
    The MAGAs had us pinned down at the court
    They ran off from our Democrat support
    They ran off form our Democrat support

    We ride to flush him, resolve made of steel
    We ride to flush him resolve made of steel
    Chase him out, no care how he feels
    Chase him out, no care how he feels

    Ciscomani is no friend of mine
    Ciscomani is no friend of mine
    He drink MAGA, we all drink the wine
    He drink MAGA, we all drink the wine

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