Finnish Children Are Learning How to Identify Fake News: American Children Should Be Taught the Same


To combat streams of disinformation and false propaganda from neighboring Russia, the education system in Finland is providing class time for children in their schools to learn how to tell the difference between fake news from unreliable sources and real reporting from credible ones.

It should also be noted that Finnish children, unlike their counterparts in the United States, appear to be expected to master foreign languages like English and Spanish.

With Republican disinformation and big lies one reason for Donald Trump’s victory on November 5 and other examples in history like the 1988 Bush Willie Horton ad against Michael Dukakis, it would be useful for children and students from elementary to college to engage in current events activities to gain a habit of being exposed to the news and to pick the truth from the lies in what is being reported.

This would complement earlier pieces that showed that people not exposed to credible news sources flocked to Trump and a proposal that students gain more exposure to coursework in history, government, and economics.

As Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said:

“Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.”

In order to preserve republics like the American one, the French political philosopher Montesquieu, a man whose ideas influenced the drafters of the United States Constitution wrote, “It is in a republican government that the whole power of education is required.”

An educated and informed citzenry is essential to a well run Democracy.

That is why Donald Trump, his MAGA supporters, and most Republicans love the uneducated.

They are more easy to fool.

That has to be stopped and the best way to do that is education.

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18 thoughts on “Finnish Children Are Learning How to Identify Fake News: American Children Should Be Taught the Same”

  1. JFC, everyone needs to stop saying Dems lost because of wokeness and trans rights.

    Those are right wing angertainment talking points, carried over to the MSM because the MSM is corporate owned.

    Dems ran middle-right, and lookee here, Kamala has a Glock! She’s tough on the border, here she is alongside Liz F’n Cheney!

    Literally telling voters, hey, R’s are right, we need a border wall, and gosh, if Dems are saying Liz Cheney, a Republican, is good, then Republicans must be good!

    Guess I’ll vote for them!


    What idiot consultant thought these were good ideas?

    Think about this:

    The last Dem to win the White House was a black community organizer whose middle name is Hussein.

    Then he won again.

    I know he’s not a progressive, but he sure as f’ didn’t win by telling voters R’s are right.

    Hope and change, not border walls and Liz F’n Cheney.

    What did Dems do next? Ran a lady from Arkansas, sorry, I mean New York, who gave secret Wall Street speeches and has over 100,000,000.00 dollars in the bank because she, well, f’, I have no idea how a Senator from Arkansas, I mean, New York, got so rich, she’s not at all sleazy I’m sure.

    She musta’ cured cancer or something.

    Then think about this – Bernie would have won.

    Bernie is as woke as you can get.

    Dem strategists hate when you say that but they know it’s true, it’s just not good for their next paycheck. F’ ‘em. They’re losers.

    Tell me my lying eyes are lying to me about progressive policies winning.

    Next up, running a very, very elderly man and SKIPPING THE PRIMARY.

    That’s a real f’ you to the voters. We’re not giving you a choice and we’re running a guy with approval ratings that are in the gutter.


    I like Harris, I wanted her in 2020, but she never had a chance with the idiots advising her.

    Moving right and courting right wing voters sends the message that the right is right, not hey, vote for me.

    People like John Government Checks Kavanagh just parrot what they hear in the right wing rage farms, it’s pretty clear he has no idea what he’s talking about.

    And what does Arizona have to show for all his years in office? We’re at or near the bottom in every category you do NOT want to be last in.

    That should be the Dem’s message. R’s are corrupt, incompetent, and f’ shit up.

    Kavanagh is proof.

    As much as I’m going to enjoy telling MAGAts “told you so” after they realize Don-old can’t do half of what he promised, and the other half is insanely inflationary, I feel bad for them, too.

    They’re about to learn a harsh lesson. Too bad they, the MSM, and Dems are talking us with them.

    Or I could be wrong and my lying eyes really are lying to me, and in a few short years we’re all gonna’ be millionaires living in Beverly Hills mansions with not just toilets made from gold, but with golden bidets, too, with soft handed butlers to dry us after, thanks to tariff’s and deporting the people who feed us.

    And hey, John Government Checks Kavanagh, dude, it’s weird you keep bringing up trans folks. Maybe worry about your own d*** and not other people’s, you absolute f’n perv.

      • I wasn’t picking on Joe specifically, I was commenting on the bigger picture, but sure, we can do this.

        Joe had some good wins. On the other hand, this is 2024:

        Women have lost rights and that’s going to get worse, military spending is way up yet the world is less safe and on edge, maybe war in Europe and those always go well, LGBTQ people are living in uncertainty to put it mildly, immigrants are living in fear, their children are going to suffer, we have more pipelines and we’re drilling more than ever, books are being banned, there is less press freedom and it’s going to get far worse, corporations are gouging us because they can…

        Don-old’s cabinet is almost all billionaires. We’re in the American Oligarch stage of what used to be democracy.

        We can go back and forth all day, but it’s a waste of time and you’re literally proving my point.

        POTUS and Congress and everyeone else are our employees, not our friends.

        We do not owe them loyalty.
        We do not owe them loyalty.
        We do not owe them any f’n loyalty.

        It’s offensive to suggest we do.

        Right now people are cheering the murder on the streets of a major city of a healthcare CEO (actually, not healthcare at all, insurance companies have nothing to do with “health”) because the system abuses them, and while I don’t approve of murder, I get it.

        And people are starting to compare 2024 to France in 1789. Corporate Dems helped get us here.

        Remember Biden telling Wall Street that under his administration “nothing will change”?

        In 2016 pundits were saying sane R’s would save us. There is no such thing, at least not anymore.

        Qanon won and they won because they are disloyal.

        In music there’s an old saying that you’re only as good as your last record.

        If Joe had done what he promised, hinted, whatever, and been one and done, we would not be where we are now.

        And where we are now is very dangerous to American and the world, we’re all less free, less secure, and that’s Joe’s last record.

        I appreciate the work you all do on this blog, there are so few outlets that cover actual issues, thanks for letting me post, but I have to disagree with you.

  2. John. Please explain your obsession about trans youth and bathrooms, and how after 250 years of the Republic, this is such a huge issue, for such a minute population? Scapegoats?

  3. First, every high school student should take a half-year course based upon the book Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric by Kahane.

    Second, we should establish ideological balance in our colleges and universities by ending the near blacklisting of conservatives.

    Third, every state should pass the bill that I passed in Arizona that makes all areas on college’s and universities, free speech zones so long as the people are not disrupting educational activities. Wokeness needs to be expelled.

      • That sex is self defining and biological males should be allowed to play in female sports and shower in school showers if the say they identify as female. Do you believe that? Most of society does not. Where do you stand on this issue?

        • I think the playing of sports could be solved if all school sports teams are declared co-ed or the option is provided. There are some charter schools that have, in the past, gone co-ed because population numbers dictated the need.It is a very solvable non-issue. In reference to showers, that would give me a lot of pause especially with older students. Personally, I would not be comfortable with that but that is me being a 58 year old man who was raised with a different mind set on the matter compared to younger generations who may have a different perspective.

          • I appreciate the reply. Much better than Michael who asked me to reply and then disappeared.

            Anyway, making school sports co-ed would destroy them. If you are willing to go that far to placate the woke crowd, then let’s not keep score either and only award participation trophies.

            Regarding biological males in girl’s showers, I will take your answer as you oppose it as I do, but you are unwilling to do anything about it. Don’t worry. I will run with the ball on this one for us.

            PS. The fact that you have to walk on egg shells on a liberal blog about opposing coed showers in high school, shows how out of touch and politically doomed the Democrats are.

          • Give me a break John. Co-Ed sports have historically worked and with no fuss. You should be focusing on advancing legislation like Universal Pre-K and full day Kindergarten, issues that are real issues.

          • @Sen. Kavanagh –

            Wouldn’t it be simpler to, instead of demonizing the “other”, just bar interscholastic sports.

            Such would address what you fear and have the positive side effect of creating fewer life-changing injuries.

            Of course, that would make sense, so it’ll never happen, or even be discussed.

          • Let me get this straight, David. Do you want to make all school sports co-ed? How many females would make it onto sports teams, such as basketball, soccer, and baseball? Just a few. Do you think that is fair?

            And Craig, you are a fun guy. Let’s all join the chess team!

          • No John. I would make the option available. You also did not answer the second part of my comment which asks if you will address legislation to provide Universal Pre-K or Full Day Kindergarten. You and your party are so concerned about people being hurt by high prices. This would help them. What say you?

  4. [Start sarcasm]

    Maybe we should just be more like Texas, and have Bible indoctrination as part of the public school curriculum.

    [/end sarcasm]

  5. [Start sarcasm]

    Maybe we should just be more like Texas, and have Bible indoctrination as part of the public school curriculum.

    [/end sarcasm]

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