Heather Ayres is one of several candidates running for four seats on the Creighton School Board in the 2020 November elections.
An educator for over 20 years, Arizona native, and local President of the Arizona Education Association for the Isacc Elementary District, Ms. Ayres wants to promote collaboration and bring a real-world educator’s experience to the Creighton School Board.
If elected to the board, she will focus on reducing education inequity among the students and fight for more school funding.
Ms. Ayres graciously took time to discuss her campaign for the Creighton School Board and her position on the issues.
The questions and her responses are below.
- What are your qualifications to serve on the board?
* “I have been an educator for over 20 years.”
* “I have lived in Arizona all my life.”
* “I am an elementary school teacher (mostly grades third, fourth, and fifth.)”
* “I have been involved with AEA and am the local president of the Isaac District Education Association (IDEA).
*”I am really invested in children and community.”
* “The kids in this part of Creighton are similar to the demographic I teach in Isaac and I feel I can make a difference with them.”
- Please tell us three reasons you are running for the school board?
- “I really understand the education crisis we’re going through with funding.”
- “I also understand a lot about the community and where the parents are coming from and where the students are.”
- “I want to bridge that gap with the educational inequities the kids face.”
- How would you rate the current school board you are running to stay part of and please explain why?
“They seem to have a hard time listening and collaborating with each other. As a board, you need to be able to support each other whether you agree or not. It’s always about the students first.”
- In your opinion, what are the three most important education issues schools and all stakeholders in the district face?
- “Educational inequities the kids face, like lack of technology supplies and family circumstances. Feeding families and checking on their wellbeing has also been a priority.”
- “The decline in enrollment, which means a cut in funding. “
- Agility and innovation in a rapidly changing landscape.
- What are your views on the implementation of the district reopening in the fall? Or for summer?
- “There are currently ten task forces of educators meeting to address reopening the schools through the Arizona Education Association. I’d like to see what they come up with and move forward. They will be a guiding factor.”
- “We have to address social and emotional needs, especially in the underserved communities before getting back to learning.“
- “We need to think about how we can be the safest for the students, community, and staff.”
- To what extent should your school district ensure all students have access to high broadband and a laptop/tablet for virtual learning should the fall opening be delayed?
- “I think that it is essential that we provide all students with the ability to access the Internet and have a working device for all students. We can’t continue to let the students get farther behind. We must find ways to make sure they have access to learning.”
- In your opinion, please advise at least one way your school district should make up for any of the lost learning time of this last academic quarter?
“Holding the district accountable and making sure teachers have what they need to teach online. For example, offering professional development for teachers to effectively teach online.”
“The district should make sure the children have the devices and internet access to connect. “
- Is there anything not covered in the first seven questions that you would like the reader to know
“The time has come for residents in Creighton to realize that public schools are not only necessary but vital to community vitality. The continued underfunding of public schools and rerouting public school funds to private/charter is creating these educational inequities that the board must address. A functional board must consistently seek out funding, assured it is spent wisely, and retain the public trust in our school system. This is the school governing board primary function.”
“I understand how a good board/community relationship works to achieve goals and provide for the best education for our students. I am experienced at listening to all stakeholders and developing solutions that focus on educational excellence.
For more information on Heather Ayres and her candidacy, please click on her Facebook Page here.
Readers can also access her interview with Maricopa County School Superintendent Candidate Jeanne Casteen here.
Please remember to:
Turn out and vote on August 4, 2020, and November 3, 2020.
Register/sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) in Arizona or any state that allows early or absentee balloting and mail. Arizona residents can sign up at servicearizona.com
Arizona residents, mail your General Election ballot by October 28, 2020, for the November 3, 2020 election.
Check-in with the Secretary of State’s office where you live to verify your mail-in ballot was received, processed, verified, and counted.
Know the voter ID requirements in your state.
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Also, please remember to stay informed on all the candidates and vote for all the offices on the ballot.
Also, remember to research all the ballot initiatives, sign to get them on the ballot if you support the measure, and vote on them as well.
Remember Primary Election Day is on August 4, 2020, and General Election Day is on November 3. 2020.
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