Idiot with a microwave

I just started an account with, which allows you to edit and distribute movie clips online. This is my first, admittedly stupid, effort. I made this clip with a still camera that had a movie clip mode several years ago and it was just hanging out on my computer. I decided to jazz the clip up a bit with a soundtrack courtesy of Green Day, and some titles, and loose it upon the world – all done online with Jumpcuts’ tools. I posted it here to see how the embedding function on Jumpcut would work with Typepad. Perhaps i will add video distribution to BFAz more often.

If you have newsworthy video footage in any digital format that is relevant (unlike this tidbit) to Arizona politics, please shoot it my way and I’ll see what can be done with it.

Weird the arcing you get with just a garden variety grape, huh? You don’t believe your eyes? Try it at home. Just make sure to leave a little strip of skin connecting the grape halves. You too can be an American Idiot 🙂