Iran in Iraq: SFW?

The entire media-scape is littered with accusations, speculation, refutation, and rhetoric regarding the allegations by a faction within the Bush Administration that Iran is supplying shaped explosive charges to militias who engage in armed conflict with American and coalition forces in Iraq. The whole thing boils down to a very dubious set of facts and a very tenuous web of suppositions in order to link the whole thing to any official action on the part of Iran.

But the one question that I have not seen anyone ask in the media is "So Fucking What?" What if it’s all true? What if Iran is providing weapons with which insurgents can and do kill American troops? What then? What does that mean for our occupation of Iraq?

Even if the allegations are true, it doesn’t change the strategic picture of the Iraq occupation. We had lost control in Iraq before some Iranian bombs turned up, and we’ve still lost control after. No change. Sure, it might be an act of war, or at least a diplomatic embarrassment for Iran, if true, but does widening the conflict, or starting a new one with Iran, serve the strategic interests of the United States in the region, or help to stabilize Iraq? Fuck no.

This whole campaign is a distraction to divert the attention of the American people onto a new and unknown enemy to keep the Iraqi control fraud rolling. And our great American press is playing right into the Administration’s hands – again. Without such a high-profile distraction, after all, the media might be focusing on the vote of no confidence on Iraq that Bush just suffered. Even without the stupid non-binding resolution’s passage the fact that the GOP had to fall back on the much maligned anti-majoritarian tool of the filibuster to stop it clearly indicates that Bush is unmoored from any semblance of political support for his Iraq policy. If he continues to push Congress by escalating without their support, he’s putting himself in the cross-hairs of a Bill of Impeachment. Not nearly soon enough in my view.

The immediate impulse of the media and the netroots seems to be to poke holes in the Iran connection. There are certainly plenty to poke, but this activity is really pointless. The sole question we should be pressing in our letters, calls, advocacy, and blogs is just this: So Fucking What? Our media seems too addled to be able to focus on reality long enough to set any sort of agenda, the slightest whiff of sensation and they go flouncing off in pursuit of red herrings.

So, we need to stay disciplined and do it for them. We need to ask the relevant questions to show them the way. How would attacking Iran help us win in Iraq? Does Iran’s military help or interference in Iraq actually change the strategic balance in Iraq? Is it actually completely understandable and legitimate for Iran to have a few horses in the race: if someone were occupying Mexico or Canada, don’t you think we would feel justified in trying to influence events? Does Iran have any obligation to ensure that weapons don’t pass through Iranian hands on the way to being sold to Iraqi factions? Is it even possible for Iran to prevent that given the nature of the global arms trade, in which America is by far the largest player and largely writes the rules?

The Iran allegations are a desperation hail-Mary pass by the Administration. The outlandish and absurdly ambitious nature of the tactic of attempting to go double or nothing on a war with Iran only illustrates how completely fucked these people are. They are control frauds who are watching their house of cards start to fall and will do even the daftest things in a vain attempt to stop it. We are a dangerous and critical juncture in the strange and horrifying journey of the last 6 years. Keep your heads. Ask the truly relevant questions. Slap those around you to keep them from being caught up in hysterics. Carry on.

21 thoughts on “Iran in Iraq: SFW?”

  1. DDL worte “I have NO confidence in ANYONE who was educated by anyone at The University of Arizona!”

    And just where did YOU go to college???

  2. RED SCARE!!

    By God (or is that BUY GOD) that is what is wrong with this world, those red commie bastards have just plain fucked everything up for 40+ years!!!

  3. Mike;

    In the early 1960’s I had written President Kennedy about my concerns of Professors at The University of Arizona AND local Pulic Schools ere admitted COMMUNISTS and teaching things that were NOT in line with American Values. Also many candidates in the DEMOCRATIC PARTY were also admitted COMMUNISTS.

    He responded through his Secretary Ms. Lincoln that he had passed the information of to the Secretary of Education and his Brother Robert. This story was evolving when he was assasinated. Now you know why I have NO confidence in ANYONE who was educated by anyone at The University of Arizona!

    Our City of Tucson was run by a well know COMMUNIST with the blessings of The University of Arizona.

    I DO NOT care to be associated with the COMMUNIST PARTY then or any offshoot of it today;being desguised as any kind of teachings or anyone claiming an education from know COMMUNISTS!

  4. Mike;

    Even The Arizona Daily Star can not keep from printing armed incursions and shoot-outs between Sasabe and Arivaca, betwen The Border Patrol and Illegal Mexican Nationals in stolen vehicles,(which is causing my car insurance rates to increase in this district); where Raul Grijalva wants a National Monument through an act of Congress to create a SUPERHIGHWAY for his constituents South of The Border whom he thinks the people of the 7th District elected him to defend and encourage to break U.S. Law and INVADE at all costs!

    As our homeowners PIMA COUNTY TAXES INCREASE; our CAR INSURANCE RATES INCREASE;due to more demands being put on Law Enforcement and The Insurance Industry because of ILLEGAL MEXICAN NATIONALS stealing and wrecking vehicles; overburdening PIMA COUNTY HEALTHCARE FACILITIES; (my sister-in-law sits on the Board of Directors of Corondelete St. Marys and St. Josephs Hospital’s) may I send the Complaints to YOU VIA PIMA COUNTY DEMOCRATIC HEADQUARTERS that is aiding and abeting the crossing and welfare of Illegal Mexican Nationals and is proud of it?!

  5. Mike;

    There are alot of very prominant people right now making plans to leave The United States; but keep voting preveleges.

    So as millions of the third world pour into America the very people who built it are leaving! These are Bankers; to the average worker who can find better jobs outside of The United States.

    The dynamics are changing very fast even here in Tucson and Pima County. We are a second San Fransisco in voting and demographic patterns as the most liberal city in America! Take a look at what happened to that city and proclaim victory in Southern Arizona; minus the water!

  6. Mike;

    As my First Ancestor Edward Leister who came to America on The Mayflower had a Honorable streak in him, being noted as one of the first to FIGHT A DUAL shortly after landing then moving later on to what is now Virginia; I could see why he would pursue that end ; because of the LACK OF LAWS in this new land.

    The Wild West was won with the Winchester and a hangmans noose and was very much like Iraq is today!

    So as our Country spins out of the control of its Government and more and more the Media and its Government becomes OUT OF TOUCH WITH THE PEOPLE as hordes of block voters NOT from this Country shift the dynamics of a once independant and proud nation to another Europe failing in every way and being overrun by Muslims as the most common name today in Germany is MUHAMMAD!!!

    I noted Mike hosts a Book Club; might I suggest a FAST READ ; AMERICA ALONE by MARK STEYN. Iam sure you will find this book enlightening and enjoyable as it opens the door wide to where we are headed!

  7. Mike;

    You have many many times said I have NO insight into what is really going on and everything is coming up roses!

    Iam going to hold you to all the stuff written that is on this blog written by you and I will NOT CHANGE ANYTHING I HAVE SAID; but I feel you will be eating alot of CROW in the near future. As you have attacked me for continuing to stand up for BASIC CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOMS; as my Family has done all the way through History from Gettisburg to The Mayflower through to the present day as we face an internal crossroads even more serious than the Civil War! Alot of people will NOT just stand by and let it happen Mike!

  8. Mike;

    My concerns about the immediate future of The United States is NOT just about the Middle East or its thousands of years of wars and infighting. The knowledge I recieved was NOT from professors imported from foriegn lands who’s families many of whom worked for me at one time or another and told me the REAL STORY; and having people working in The Middle East in very interesting jobs across the spectrum.

    My REAL CONCERN is for the future of my Country in the next few years which if not addressed will see things we have never experienced, a collapse of our currency; a collapse of our Laws; a collapse of our security and a collapse of our sovernity as a Nation that we know today.

    Just today the news of 100 Mexican trucking companies being allowed to use America’s highway system went by with-out notice! Have any of you driven on Mexican Highways and seen the game of CHICKEN being played everyday between Mexican Busses and Trucks? The North American Free Trade Agreement signed by The Leaders of The New World Order have given our Interstate Highway System to Mexico with an INSPECTION STATION RUN BY MEXICANS ONLY IN Kansas City! These Highway systems that were Federal Highways paid by your and my taxes will now become TOLL ROADS run by Mexico from Texas to Canada!

    I will see in my lifetime the REVERSAL of America as a country of Laws and LEGAL IMMIGRANTS to a Country of NO LAWS ENFORCED AND A MAJORITY OF ITS VOTERS BEING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!

    The currency used and Laws enforced by The North American Free Trade Agreement carries its own currency and laws that are NOT AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS OR AMERICAN BACKED CURRENCIES; but a Global currency like the Euro. Thus The United States Congress is POWERLESS enforcing anything over this corroidor that runs through the middle of the United States!

    China is ready to pull one third of its notes backing U.S. currency very shortly and it begins before your eyes! If your parents lived through the great Depression or your Grandparents talk to them how it was then as this will be even worse!

    So as Mike argues for Open Borders as Mexicans are fleeing by the tens of millions to your and my Country with the blessing of your and my Government at least have the courage to ask WHY?

    As Mike supports the teachings of Islamic Nations over that of our founding fathers who came to America to get away from Europe and its religions and ISLAM; at least have the courage to ask WHY?

    As Mike supports a Global America returning us BACK to what our founding Fathers escaped by creating a new country at the risk of there own deaths and fought for hundreds of years to defend and protect; at least have the courage to ask Mike why he is willing to give it all back to Europe on a platter??!!

  9. I would encourage all of you to go to the University Mosk just outside the front entrance and listen to what they have to say about the future of The United States and you and me as Infidels; don’t take it from me experience it for yourself.

    Then I want all of you who see first hand the acts being planned and talked about freely , to please inform Mike because he seems to be in denial!

  10. Though in any contest of credibility between you and I, Dwight, I am pretty sanguine about my changes, the facts are just demonstrably not on your fear mongering, sloganeering side regarding the history of the Iranian revolution.

    Islamist factions were key in the Iranian revolution; the Shah made sure there was no organization or alternative leadership tolerated in civic society, so people naturally used the mosques to organize. However, those wanting a theocratic state were not dominant until later in the revolution. Your assertions don’t change history. One of those who was a secularist in the revolution was a professor of mine in college, but, unlike you, I won’t drop names.

    For a decent, though by no means comprehensive overview of the character of the revolution see:

  11. As for the comments by Mike that Korea is the REAL problem instead of Iran ; you have got to understand that neither Korea or Iran are in control of there Nuclear Programs and at any time these programs can mature. The web was spun by A.Q. Kahn who traded the nuclear secrets and equipment to Korea and Iran and Iraq from Pakistan in the first place with the help and support of Russian covert opps. At any time Iran can have Nuclear capabilities if it suits Russian interests in the Middle East. The people of The united States are being told a load of crap by our Government and that of The New World Order Advocates around the World. Just as The Oklahoma City Bombing was a set up by Black Operatives and these same operatives imported Arab Soldiers from the former Iraq to live in the United States as cells that can activate ot any minute to do things that work for the cause of The New World Order; so does all the CONTROLLED information about Iraq; Iran and North Korea that you are currently reading about in the CONTROLLED MEDIA. Do NOT fall for this shell game as they are not working in your or my best intersts or that of REAL UNITED STATES CITIZENS or our HONEST GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ; that have not been killed or threatened with death if they expose the undermining of our society.

    As long as people in The United States do NOT vote and keep electing IDIOTS that are clueless about what the powers in Europe ; Russia; and The Middle East Radical Islamic Nations are intent on doing; threatening to kill you and me if we as a nation continue to support Isreal, then once that has been accomplished they are going to be activated to finish the job so that The united States becomes impotent as a World power to do anything but welcome Mexican Nationals that are now INVADING our Arizona Border Lands by the Millions!

  12. As for Iraq I agree with Senator Joe Biden in that Iraq was handled wrongly during the First World War and the division of The Ottoman Empire by England and France drawing a huge boundary line around hundreds of nomatic Tribes and warring factions making it ONE COUNTRY was wrong! Biden is right on with what I have been saying for years; that Iraq should be divided into States as we are in The United States with a FEDERAL IRAQ as we have a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The power should be with the States and The Federal Government responsible for NATIONAL SECURITY ; as it should be here in the United States where it Stays the Hell Out of The States affairs; which if The United States Federal Government was to follow The Constitution as it was drafted; did NOT give it authority to be in our Bedrooms or NOT SECURE The Borders due to getting votes from Illegall’s or The Business Community; supported by Giffords!

  13. Francine;

    Asa “GOVERNMENT STATISTITION” you of all people should know what was going on in Iran and what effects Carter letting the Shaw Fall from power had on the Whole Middle East then and NOW!!

    If you don’t you are as bad as the rest of the “Bring Them Over The Border Crowd” hiding at Pima County Democratic Headquarters; I noted the womans restroom stalls need painting at Democratic Headquaters maybe you should buy some paint and lend a hand; because the CRAP is getting a litle deep here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Mike and Francine;

    Europe today and even the House of Lords in England have said Saddam was much more effective in quelling violence in Iraq as was the Shaw. The “PLANET I COME FROM” are the FACTS in the case of Iran from one who was stationed there covertly by General Secord working day and night with RUSSIA as the Commander of The Air Force Base in Tehran, Iran. We visited him and saw first hand what was going on in Iran, yes we had body guards and ate Bottom John at resturants full of cats while sanitation runs in the streets instead of in sewer pipes.

    A Flush toilet in the middle east is non existant anywhere. What is used is a porcelen basin in the fllor with a bucket near by to pour in after it is used. The waiste then runs into the streets and curb side gutters.

    Mike this time YOU ARE FULL OF CRAP!!!!!!! You DO NOT KNOW A GOD DAMN THING ABOUT IRAN OR IRAQ OR THE MIDDLE EAST; and continually support law breakers who are invading the United States every day threatening our way of life!

    How long do you think the LETS BRING THEM OVER THE BORDER CROWD AT YOUR AND MY EXPENSE will be able to hide in Pima County Democratic Headquarters with-out being exposed?

    The Shaw of Iran was replaced by RADICAL ISLAM and The Iotola’s who you seem to support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Umm.. quotes are for things that people have actually said. Not for what you imagine they might say. No Iranian leader has ever threatened to use nuclear weapons against Israel or the U.S. For one thing, they don’t have any, and won’t have any for at least a decade.

    Maybe you are confused with N. Korea, whose leader did threaten to rain fiery destruction on the U.S. if we ever invaded. They actually have nuclear weapons, BTW.

    As for being unhappy with what happened in Iran, or saving Iran by continuing to prop up the Shah, what planet are you from? We couldn’t have saved that regime, it was deeply unpopular, being forced upon them as it was. And the bulk of the Iranian revolution was a secular democratization movement, only later hijacked by religious zealots. Much like the Russian revolution of 1917, the real bastards came to power because we failed to support the real reformers when we had the chance. Not to mention that Iran was a functioning parliamentary democracy with a legitimately elected leader in Mossadegh before Ike sent in the CIA and overthrew the legitimate democratic government in favor of re-installing a despot.

    We reaped a bumper harvest of trouble for our efforts to stymie and destroy the popular will of the Iranian people. I can only imagine how much more trouble we’ll get a result of this latest round of ‘making the world safe for democracy’.

    Used to be that sensible conservatives were properly cautious about foreign entanglements an intrigues, seeing nothing but trouble and the ruin of constitutional governance as the results of such hubris. Now they seen far too eager to serve the interests of their corporate masters with international criminality.

  16. Hmmmm. You don’t suppose someone could find weapons in Iraq with “Made in the USA” stamped on them? There might even be a few in the hands of the bad guys. I guess “the highest levels” of our government would be supporting terrorists and countries friendly to Iraq would have carte blanche to launch a premptive invasion.

  17. I recall this who debate at the end of the 1970’s and at the END of the Carter Administration, as the United States abandoned the people of IRAN and let the Shaw fall; all in the guize of as Jimmy Cater put it; “I KEPT THE UNITED STATES OUT OF A WAR!”

    Now what?

    As President Cater sat in a sweater in the White House motionless; with the heat turned down,as the middle east CUT OFF OUR OIL, forcing lines at the pumps and no oil to be found to even supply our heaters, as hostages held in Iran kept up the DRUM BEAT OF A DAY COUNT THEN; as THE DRUM BEAT OF A BODY COUNT NOW is pounded into our brains every day by the media!

    A good friend of mine was the Commander of The Air Force Base in Iran at the time the Shaw fell and escorted his fleet of 707’s by fighter aircraft as they left Iran, to fall to the Radical Shite rule. The Commander did all kinds of things before that fall to keep the Shaw in power, as RUSSIA was the main power broker in the FAll! He told me of raids at night into Russia to steal TUBE RADIOS that the Radical Islamic Soldiers were using to communicate with each other that we could NOT intercept becuse of frequency variations that our equipment could NOT monitor.

    So today we are asked again the same question, IS keeping IRAN OUT OF IRAQ worth going to war? Are you happy with what has gone on in IRAN ? If you are not and see that IRAN is the only one that is threatening its neighbors with inialation and says” WE WILL DESTROY THE UNITED STATES AND ISREAL WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND CLEANSE THE EARTH OF THE INFIDELS,” or if you are perfectly happy with a future “CLEANSING OF ALL INFIDELS,’ then I say lets all hear it for Mike!

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