It’s ‘Guns on Campus – and Everywhere Else Week’ at the Lege

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

GunOur Tea-Publican legislature has been using "theme" weeks for legislative initiatives. Last week it was "Destroy Public Employee Unions Week." And as Craig McDermott pointed out in his "This Week" post, this week is "Guns on Campus – and Everywhere Else Week":

Monday at 2 p.m. or upon adjournment of the floor session, Judiciary will meet in SHR1. The nastiest agenda of the week. Up for consideration: SB1304, removing the ability of counties and municipalities to pass laws restricting or barring the discharge of firearms within a quarter mile of an occupied structure (you know, like a house); SB1448, making is OK to pack heat in a public building if access to that building is not restricted by a cop or security guard; SB1474, the annual "guns in schools" bill; SB1479, a bill with too many provisions to summarize quickly here, but it's another in the pro-gun/anti-society group of gun bills this year[.]

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Wednesday at 9 a.m., Military Affairs and Public Safety will meet in HHR3. Up for consideration: HB2728, allowing the use of silencers while hunting. I'd make another "jackrabbits" wisecrack, but combined with the "limitless" magazines bill above, the cynic in me thinks that the intended prey for these hunters is a little browner and a lot taller than the average jackrabbit. And that isn't something to joke about.

Tucson has had enough of crazy people with easy access to guns. 4 Dead In Univ. Of Arizona Shooting (October 2002), and of course the mass shooting on January 8, 2011. Is making these kinds of incidents more likely to occur a rational, responsible policy? I think not.

The president of the University of Arizona is voicing opposition to a bill allowing guns on state university campuses. Eugene Sander says bringing guns on campus creates enormous problems for law enforcement. UA president opposes campus guns bill – Arizona Capitol Times

Sander added the Tucson school would be required to spend thousands of dollars to install gun lockers in buildings, an expenditure that Sander says is misguided.

Hmmm, sounds an awful lot like those "unecessary government regulations" that drive up the cost of doing business that Tea-Publicans are always whining about, doesn't it? And this would cost taxpayers money just to humor the "happiness is a warm gun" crowd. Why not charge gunowners a user fee and let them pay for it? Typical Tea-Publicans: always making demands without having to pay for it (unfunded mandates). Deadbeats!

Comedian Daniel Tosh of Tosh.0 on Comedy Central offered a unique perspective on this issue recently in this video "Web Redemption – I Just Shot Myself – Uncensored" (NWS) below the fold: "Anything Arizona is in favor of is probably bad for America."