Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III visits Nogales, controversy ensues

Charles Pierce at Esquire covers this story in the way only he can, so let him tell this story. This Is What America Means to Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III:

We’re going to have to make a semi-regular daily feature on the doings of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, presently the Attorney General and the only man in America who thinks Birth of a Nation was a documentary.

On Tuesday, he visited the Arizona-Mexico border in Nogales, Arizona, with Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey and, by way of encouraging the law-enforcement types gathered there, according to Tiger Beat On The Potomac, these were his prepared remarks:

“Depravity and violence are their calling cards, including brutal machete attacks and beheadings,” he said. “It is here, on this sliver of land, where we first take our stand against this filth.”

Nobody I know is in favor of depravity and violence—at least outside the studios of Fox News, anyway—nor is anyone I know in favor of machete attacks and/or beheadings, although some of our staunch allies elsewhere are rather high on the latter. But when you’ve got the attorney general of the United States planning to refer to other human beings, no matter how criminal they are, as “filth,” you’ve got the Department of Justice descending into the status of a Breitbart comment thread, and that is never good for anyone. When it came time for the speech, Sessions ultimately did not say “filth” out loud, but the Department of Justice doubled down on the word in a statement:

The Department of Justice declined to comment on the departure from prepared remarks, but said:

“As the Attorney General said in his statement, we must take a stand against filth like MS-13 and the cartels that turn cities and suburbs into warzones, that rape and kill innocent people, and that profit by trafficking in drugs and people. It is unfortunate that there are misinformed people that think that we need to treat such violent criminals as if they deserve anything but the worse kind of condemnation.”

There was more. Again, from Tiger Beat on The Potomac:

Sessions avoided mention of the torrent of Central American unaccompanied children and families who have arrived at the southern border in recent years, fleeing gangs and poverty in their homelands. Instead, he highlighted U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel, who he said risk their lives to regulate immigration, and local ranchers who “work the land to make an honest living.” As part of the motivation for his immigration push, Sessions referenced Kate Steinle and Grant Ronnebeck, both of whom are believed to have been killed by undocumented immigrants.

Those unaccompanied children, about whom JeffBo hasn’t yet summoned the nerve to call names, don’t matter to him. What matters to Sessions is putting lots of “brown people” in cells. He doesn’t care how many or where. Maybe it’s through his idiotic revival of the “war” on drugs. Maybe it’s through these E-Z-Bake cook’em-and-eat’em immigration courts he’s establishing at the border. Doesn’t matter. To Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, America means locking up “brown people.” Period.

This is what happens when we militarize the border and dehumanize all immigrants as “filth.”

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3 thoughts on “Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III visits Nogales, controversy ensues”

  1. “Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III visits Nogales, controversy ensues.

    Of course controversy ensued…it was planned to have it “ensue” as soon and certain people found out AG Sessions was coming here. These people spend their time preparing to create controversy. It is their stock and trade. I truly hope, AzBM, that you were not surprised by the controversy…

  2. When did enforcing the law become controversial, especially a law that has remained intact in spite of attempts to change it?

    • Were you home schooled? You cannot be that ignorant.

      Slavery was law, Jim Crowe was law, only allowing men to vote was law, women not being allowed to own property was law, husbands beating their wives was just fine…

      Enforcing racist and bigoted laws has always been controversial.

      Enforcing laws that break up families should be controversial in a Christian society.

      Oh, yeah, I forgot, there is nothing Christian going on with the GOP these days.

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