John McLean, LD17 Senate Candidate, Will Restore Sanity to State Government

Successful entrepreneur John McLean announced he is running for state Senate in battleground Legislative District 17.

His candidacy is key in Democrats’ efforts to flip the state Legislature blue. He has teamed with Kevin Volk, a Democrat seeking an LD17 state House seat.

Democrat McLean is a math Ph.D., outdoorsman, and dog lover.

He is the retired CEO of Areté Associates, an advanced science and engineering company in Tucson. John is a proven business leader who has a track record of delivering results for Southern Arizona.

“I have watched with great dismay the erosion of our democratic norms and values at the national level. I’m very concerned. And then, a friend here in Tucson introduced me to Civic Engagement Beyond Voting, which really opened our eyes to how much of our day-to-day freedoms are governed at the state level. We’ve all seen the results of a dysfunctional state government.”

Previously he worked in ocean remote sensing at TRW Space and Defense Group. He serves on two non-profits, as the treasurer of Friends of Pima Animal Care Center and as the secretary of Native Seeds Search.

1. Sign John’s Nominating Petition via EQual:

2. Donate! “I remind people that Arizona is a battleground state gathering national attention. We will need a very well-funded, organized campaign,” McLean said.

3. Follow John on Social Media:

“I will bring sanity back to state government, restore funding and faith in the public schools, protect voting rights, permanently secure reproductive rights for women, and protect the environment of future generations. And to that, I will add, devolve authority down to the state and local level where it’s best to make those decisions,” he said.

“Let’s understand what’s at stake in this election,” he added. “The future of our schools. Our right to evoke the autonomy of our bodies in a healthy environment for our future. I’m excited, committed, and grateful for your support. And working together, I think we can capture this race. We can capture the legislature. We can restore sanity to the state government.”

“I’m the other John McLean, and I’ll die hard to make sure he’s elected in LD17.”

Born and raised in Phoenix, his mother taught chemistry at Phoenix College. His father was a successful business owner who ran a testing lab that served mining, agricultural, and civil engineering projects throughout Arizona.

He is a product of public education in Tucson. He went on to study math and physics at CALTECH and the University of Arizona.

“My goal for the next month is to meet you in your home territory — so you get a chance to know me and I have a chance to better understand our constituents’ priority concerns. My top priority is to come out to your club meetings and events and meet you face-to-face. I really look forward to doing that,” he said.

The erosion of our democratic norms

A colleague asked him 30 years ago to open a local office for Arete Associates.

“It started with two employees. In a very small office in a bank building years later, we took over an entire floor of that building. A few years after that, we took over another floor of that building. A few years after that, we completely ran out of space and built a 23,000-square-foot facility. We grew that to about 75 employees and $30 million of annual revenue,” he said.

“Over 30 years, we brought in about a billion dollars of economic activity into the Tucson area. So I would describe myself as a successful businessman who knows how to bring that kind of work into Southern Arizona,” he said at the LD17 meeting on February 21, 2024.

McLean will run against MAGA state Senator Justine Wadsack.

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3 thoughts on “John McLean, LD17 Senate Candidate, Will Restore Sanity to State Government”

  1. Actually, I think the subject is John McLean vs Justine Wadsack aka sane vs crazy. Can John really defend calling the Uvalde, TX mass school shooting a false flag event? It seems Alex Jones lost a lot of money on similar nutty nonsense.

    Then there’s pretending massive fraud. Fox got clambered on that one. Not to mention being mean to the blind, the Bar Association and hot on book banning.

    Your good with all that? You’re crazy too.

  2. Larry,
    Your puff photo is terrible. You need to get advice from David “King of Puff ” Gordan.

    • Hey John, have you ever noticed that the candidate that gets the most votes wins?

      And that you get votes by convincing voters that you have the best ideas/policies?

      So maybe be less of a little bitch-boy-troll and tell us why your ideas/policies are better. You know, why we should vote for a Republican in 2024.

      I hope this little explanation of how the Founding Fathers envisioned America helps, since you know, you’re in f’n government.

      Because Godess knows you’d never make it in the private sector acting like this and HR departments everywhere are happy not having to deal with you.


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