Leslie Gore: ‘You don’t own me’ PSA

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

I have three sisters who used to act out and sing along to this Leslie Gore classic, "You don't own me," when they were kids. This video brings back a lot of memories.

Kathleen Geier writes at the Political Animal blog, The women of America have a message for Mitt Romney and the G.O.P.:

[S]ome of the women in video above include Carrie Brownstein, Lena
Dunham, Natasha Lyonne, and Miranda July. I think it’s a terrific use of
a brilliant and powerful recording/song. I’m a huge fan of girl pop and
this is definitely one of the classics.

* * *

“You Don’t Own Me,” which was released the year after The Feminine Mystique
was published, was a giant hit. It was one of Gore’s most popular
songs, second only to “It’s My Party” in sales. It climbed to number two
on the charts, right behind the Beatles’ “I Want to Hold Your Hand.”

This PSA details the GOP's war on women's rights and healthcare.

Video below the fold.