Looks like a Democratic primary for U.S. Senate after all

Posted by AzBlueMeranie:

The Arizona Guardian (subscription required) reports that former state Rep. Cathy Eden (D-Phoenix),  60, who served in the state House in the 1990s and later was director of the Arizona Department of Health Services under Govs. Jane Hull and Janet Napolitano, will file her petitions for U.S. Senate on Tuesday. She previously made a short-lived bid for the Senate in 1994.

This campaign has really been below the radar. I posted about it in an earlier post. Another late entry in the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate. Note to Eden campaign press aide: please add Blog for Arizona to your press release list. Thank you.

For a campaign that only kicked off in early May, this is an impressive feat. This may explain why:

Check out this tidbit from It's Never Sunny in Phoenix » A New Entry into the U.S. Senate Race:

Now here is the interesting part: She sits on the National Public Policy Board for MERCK, one of the nation’s largest Pharmaceutical Companies and is an old and close ally of Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano.

Is D.C. sticking their nose into AZ finally?

I'm sure lots of Democrats would like to know who is behind Eden's late entry into this senate race.

UPDATE: Former Phoenix New Times reporter John Dougherty also filed his petitions on Tuesday. Still waiting on Rudy Garcia and Randy Parraz.

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