Mamon Comes A-Callin’

Seems like every medium eventually falls prey to the siren song of profit. And profitability invariably means one thing: advertising. Wherever there are eyeballs, there is someone willing to pay for access to them. Blogs are turning out to be no different.

The Google Adsense advertising I have on this site (yes, go click on it… ching) pays for site-hosting, but it’s not going to buy me toys my wife doesn’t approve of (you can tell who keeps the checkbook in that relationship…). So, while I don’t NEED additional revenue (as long as you keep clicking on ads when the fancy strikes… hint) I wouldn’t mind all the hours I hammer this keyboard to reward me with a naughty little gadget once in a while.

To that mercenary and utterly selfish end, I present the latest in Madison Avenue mind-suckage: Google Video Units! I don’t know if I’ll actually bolt these on this blog permanently, certainly not on the main page here as it’s just too big (below is the smallest version), but I have a sample unit here for your amusement and comment. Play with it and let me know in comments if you find it a useful feature or a waste of time. Just don’t tell me it’s a waste of time on principle. I know it’s a waste of time on principle. I want to know how readers feel about it having used it.

BTW, I just recently realized that the Google-powered search box on the right sidebar (that’s over there ==>>) was broken, and would never return a search result. I fixed it. So please search ’til your heart’s content.

Don’t amuse yourselves to death: