Matt Heinz campaign ad: ‘Bobbie’s law’

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Given his limited financial resources, I was a bit surprised to see that state representative Matt Heinz is up with a TV ad this week. The campaign ad is now airing on Comcast and Cox Cable in the CD2 communities of Tucson, Bisbee, Sierra Vista and Douglas, Ariz.

Heinz will not be able to run the ad in saturation as we saw during the recent Special Election. He cannot afford to wage an "air war." Heinz would make better use of his limited resources on mailing his literature to voters in CD 2.

From the YouTube description:

The ad tells the story of how Bobbie Thayer and I worked together to eliminate red tape and expand access to breast and cervical cancer treatment."

"Bobbie is an Arizonan who developed life-threatening advanced breast cancer and who almost lost her health coverage due to red tape. During the legislative session this year, Bobbie and I worked tirelessly to pass a law in Arizona to make sure that no other low-income women with cervical or breast cancer would be denied treatment."

"Thankfully, in a true bipartisan effort, the measure passed unanimously in the Arizona House and it later became part of the state budget. Bobbie's Law is now in effect, providing an additional $8 million annually for the treatment of breast and cervical cancers."
"It is this type of work that has a real impact on American lives. I am ready to go to Washington and find real solutions for real problems. I believe this ad demonstrates just that."

Video below the fold.

1 thought on “Matt Heinz campaign ad: ‘Bobbie’s law’”

  1. I saw that ad tooo, and thought it was in good taste and well done! I think it is better than literature which invariably lands in the trash.

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