Harry Mitchell and Gabby Giffords are hearing radio ads telling them to straighten up and fly… er, left on the Iraq war. Some Democrats are doing more than complaining about Harry and Gabby’s votes to continue funding Bush’s folly in Iraq. Here’s the ad:
Get out your checkbook now and send Harry and Gabby voided checks today to let them know how you feel about the course they’re plotting in Congress for Iraq.
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First off, I agree very much with what Francine has said. Think of the environment, women’s rights, children, labor, and look at what this very very young Congress has acheived. Think of what happens when Republicans are in control and dominate the most powerful positions in the Congress…the chairs of committees.
As for what Liza said, I also agree. You and I don’t see eye to eye on method and the “how to” but we do see “eye to eye” on this, on oil, and on the disgusting nature of this war.
What I want to ask everyone here about is what Liza says. Does no peace-loving person here feel any responsibility, as Americans, for bringing peace to Iraq after we destabilized it and destroyed it? Any feeling you have for human lives…of our soldiers or otherwise…dictates that we care for those our nation has seen fit to kill and what we leave behind there?
When the Republicans start to pull out, they will be blaming Iraq for ITS failures and of its government’s ability to be free. They will say disgusting things like “the Iraqis didn’t value their freedom”…they will say thing like “its just those Islamofascists” and some of you will just shrug and say, at least we are out of Iraq and our men and women won’t be dying. The people of Iraq will continue to die…people will starve…there will be an escalated civil war…and it will be because we did went to war…but also because we failed to take responsibility for what we did to them.
Would any of you support keeping troops there to peace keep? Would any of you consider what we did in Bosnia as just? What do you think about Darfur and stopping the violence there?
All I can say is that I hear a lot about getting us out of Iraq and never much of anything about the human toll. I also hear a lot about spin and how principle is more important here. I can’t imagine that any of your principles support us leaving those poor people to die.
I listened to the voided.mp3 message above.
When people speak out against the Iraq War, why do they seldom if ever mention the number of Iraqis who have lost their lives, their homes, their jobs, their healthcare, their electricity, their water, their education, etc…? I am certainly distressed about Americans killed and maimed, but there is a major humanitarian crisis in Iraq while our government continues to fight for hegemony and oil.
We destroyed Iraq. Why is this not a concern for Americans?
Lets focus on Today ONE DAY AT A TIME Francine; and doing what is right Today; the hell with Tim Bee or the 2008 Election Cycle!
I would rather serve ONE Two year term in Congress than sell my soul for ANY VOTE on the House Floor!
The People are NOT Stupid Francine and know the difference between an Elected Official who is constantly looking for the NEXT Election over that of what is right TODAY not 17 months from now!
I think x4mr and I see a greater threat in a Republican Congress than we do in a Democratic congress with members not voting our views. We need to remember vividly what it was like with Republicans in control of both houses – and that was a dreadful picture. Need I regale you with memories of John Conyers forced by Sensenbrenner to hold a hearing in a basement room the size of a closet? Trust me – Democrats don’t treat the minority that way – even when sometimes maybe they should. I hear a lot of gnashing of teeth when Gabby doesn’t vote the way many people think she should. Why haven’t I heard one person point out that Gabby, Pelosi and Hoyer all voted NOT TO EXTEND FISA. Did any one call their offices and say thanks? I called Giffords and Pelosi before the vote to tell them please vote against it and after the vote to thank them! I see a lot of people who get their jollies talking to each other – ain’t it awful, they keep saying – when they should be letting their elected representative know what she has to do to represent them.
Anyone who wants to run can run – this is a democracy. Myself, I don’t want to give Tim Bee any ammunition when he decides to run and believe me, I don’t want to see him elected and I don’t want to hear about the lesser of the evils. Remember – and don’t forget – the lesser of the evils IS the lesser of the evils and the greatest evil is another Republican Congress!!!
x4mr the ’06 election was entirely about the abuses the Bush Administration has heaped upon the American people. The war in Iraq, the abuses of the constitution et al.
The Democrats were trusted to their word that they would go in there and fix the problem. Now all we see is that they have abetted this president in the further abuse of the rights and privledges that the constitution provides to people like you and me.
We trusted them to do something. In turn all we have received is excuses on how we don’t want to piss off the right and further an agenda that doesn’t mean a load of squat to a president further emboldened on the simple fact that the representatives that we sent to DC won’t stand up to the abuse of power.
In short-our congress has become the Washington Generals to Bush’s Harlem Globetrotters. Not exactly the reasons why we sent them there in the first place, is it?
As for the Republican Party being a Major Player in the 2008 Election Cycle LOOK OUT for The Third Party Candidates Nationwide as they will have more sway with the voting public!!
Just as BAD as Giffords and Mitchel is Nancy Pelosi who just gave Bush MORE warrantless Wiretap Authority than he had asked for!!!
What the hell is going on with my Party???
Well, I’m not so sure I understand what the folks who made this ad are thinking. Are they suggesting we create a bloody primary for these incumbents? Better yet, are they suggesting we vote RED in 11/08? Both Mitchell and Giffords face the challenging task of balancing 1) responsible voting and 2) keeping their seats. Both are extremely vulnerable in 2008.
Grijalva can vote however he wants. Pastor can vote as he chooses. The two freshmen skate on thin ice in shaky districts and both have been targeted by the NRCC already funding Web sites against them.
I expect both Giffords and Mitchell to take a rather centrist course during their first term with the aim of maximizing votes they can point to with pride and minimizing votes that give their opponents ammunition.
Voting to cut funds for troops in CD 8? Bee isn’t lucky enough to be handed such a stick. She’s smarter than that.
Frankly, I am unclear what is realistic to expect of a Congress with a razor’s edge majority while du Fuhrer Cheney and Darth Rove remain commanders of the cosmos and order Christ Himself (or at least his followers) what to do.
If Pelosi can launch 1000 investigations and throw 2000 thorns into the feet of the beast, not bad. In 2008, we use long blades and large calibers to make everything red dead. I don’t know what is realistic, but I am hoping.
In January 2009, I don’t want a Republican party to exist. I want 2008 to make 1994 look trivial. I want the GOP so torched it commits hari-kari and reinvents itself into a party that would torture its first born before electing the sub-human malignant filth currently running the White House and ruining this country.
The check is “in the mail.”
Great ad. I’m sure we’ll be hearing it on Air America in Phoenix. It seems like some out there are defending these two just because they are under the party. They refuse to see past the “Democrat” tag and into their voting behavior.
My personal opinion: we were sold a bill of goods by this Congress and the DLC. It’s coming back to bite all of us hard. Karl Rove must be rolling on the floor laughing at this Congress being called by many “the worst ever.”