More Stonewalling and Political Games from Arizona Republicans on the FY23/24 Budget

Republicans in the Arizona State House engaged in more stonewalling and political catering to their far-right MAGA base by finally passing a skinny FY 23/24 budget that largely mirrors the FY 22/23 one.

These petty theatrics and political games are nothing more than a pointless gesture to those rabid “Freedom Caucus” lawmakers that will not even consider working with Governor Katie Hobbs on the budget,

Many of these reactionary individuals are the same ones who voted against lifting the Aggregate Expenditure Limit (AEL) last week, preferring to instead let public school teachers, staff, children, and families twist in the wind. 

The reaction from Governor Hobbs and the Democratic leadership in the Legislature resembled their comments when the Republicans in the Senate passed the budget a couple of weeks ago. 

Governor Hobbs posted:

Arizona House Democrats released a press release after the Governor posted her statement. House Democratic Leader Andres Cano relayed:

“To the Arizonans watching at home, let me break it down: The budget being voted on today is nothing more than a blatant attempt to silence the majority of Republicans, Democrats, and independents who elected Katie Hobbs as our Governor…The proposal before us does nothing to ensure our schools have adequate resources needed to teach our children. It fails to provide relief for renters and homeowners. This budget won’t do a damn thing to preserve and protect our diminishing water supply. And it certainly doesn’t help to grow our economy by investing in college access and affordability Put simply, this is a do-nothing budget guised as an attempt to outsmart the hardworking people of Arizona. I’m here to tell my colleagues across the aisle what they already know: this budget WILL be vetoed.”

Just before the vote, Leader Cano offered that if the Republican position would be to adopt a my way or the highway approach to the budget, “then get ready for the highway.”

Democrats are right to stand up to Republicans on the budget. It is a strategy that has worked well at the national level with Presidents Clinton, Obama, and Biden.

With the power of forward-thinking and pro-Democracy ideas and the people on their side, this strategy will work, after a likely long drawn-out fight filled with more stonewalling, theatrics and games from Republicans, for Governor Hobbs and the Democrats at the State Legislature.

But the people should be prepared to face the possibility that this may not get solved until after the fiscal year starts.

Be patient and keep your fingers crossed.

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2 thoughts on “More Stonewalling and Political Games from Arizona Republicans on the FY23/24 Budget”

  1. Please pay attention to the meeting tomorrow of the Cochise County Board of Supervisors: 10:00AM in Bisbee. The proposal is to transfer all election authority to election-denying county recorder David Steven after forcing Election Director Lisa Marra out of office. We hope media pay attention to what is essentially an authoritarian coup. Someone needs to investigate and report it.

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