Navigation and Features

Readership has grown three-fold over the last month as we ramp into the election season. I assume many who visit are coming for the first time, and may not be familiar with the layout.

Welcome to you all. I hope you find some news or views that cheer you and made your day more pleasant. I’d like to point out some features of this blog that might not be apparent at first glance.

All posts are followed by a comment section in which anyone having a free Typepad account can leave message. Please feel free to leave comments, or drop me an email via my bio in the lower right bar if your comment is more private. I always try to respond, unless you just make no sense 🙂

My Propostion Voting guide is the first link on the right hand bar. That guide explains each proposition and points to resources to help you understand what you will be voting on the general election. I strongly urge every voter to take a look and make up their own minds and vote. Plus share know new-found expertise with everyone you know. There are some real doozies on the ballot this year.

Just bellow the Proposition Guide are the Clean Elections debates. Check them out and see if there are debates for your state district. I guarantee that you can separate the idiots from those with reasonable levels of cognitive function after hearing these people speak for a bit. Vote accordingly.

Bellow that is Drinking Liberally, a liberal social and drinking club held every Thursday starting at 6pm at The Shanty in downtown Tucson, My Florist Cafe if you live in Phoenix Metro. You are invited to drop in uninvited at any meeting.

Bellow that is the literature I am currently attempting to read. I usually get through a book and move immediately to another. Sometime I will write a reveiw or an essay beased on the reading. At some point I will stick in an extra slot for the current Reading Liberally book.

Bellow that, is the big orange button. If you use a newsreader or RSS service of any sort to read blogs or RSS feeds of any kind, the button can set you up to read BfAZ a la mode, or you can just have it delivered straight to your mailbox.

Bellow this is the list of Democratic Federal and State-wide candidates in Arizona. The name of each links back their page. The link below the pictures, those that have them, lead to interviews I have done with some candidates. Clearly, I haven’t gotten around to all of the as yet. And some of them just don’t want to talk, apparently… go figure.

Continuing down the right side we find Featured links (stuff I think is groovy), then my pic and bio, a groovy novella I wrote when the world was a little more innocent, called "Homeland", and finally there are begging buttons that connect to my Amazon wish list. You can amuse yourself by mocking my taste, or perform a gratuitous act of random kindness by sending me something you know I want. How cool is that? Well, I couldn’t tell you, ’cause it ain’t happened yet…

Back to the left side.

We start with evil, nasty ad revenue. Every time you click to compare the size of your genital warts to those of our lovely model’s, or whatever, an super secret formula spits out a penny, or dime, or $3.25 or $75.00… it all depends on who the advertiser is. Try to click on things that tend to be expensive, unpleasant, or painful, but do click. Self-financing is that only way the wife will let me indulge this hobby, so help me out?

Next down, Sites Linking Here seems pretty intuitive. It’s not the only sites which link here, but the ones who do it most often, and provide the most traffic from those links. We like these sites. Go clicketty-click on their sites, too.

Next down is Blogwire. This is a topical blogroll that is limited to Arizona political blogs. If you keep an eye on this spot, you’ll have a distorted and entirely biased view of the Arizona politics, but you will kind of know what’s up among the dozen or so wackos who run liberal blogs in Arizona.

Next down is Mike’s links. This is something I want to draw your attention to. This is a service whereby I can make a bookmark that feeds to my website here. I use this on a nearly daily basis to mark and recall the most interesting and important material I read every day. By following these links, you can see the best readings I’ve looked at that day. Many of my posts arise from these links, and so often background for a post will be sitting there in my links waiting for you to follow up, if you want.

Finally, the dreaded blogroll. Dumping ground for links from every mouth-breater who ever left a comment, "Hey, I was looking for information on proctology models. I think your blog is really great! please visit mine at" Well, mine’s a little better. First, the person has to live in Arizona, or blog exclsively about Arizona. Second, I sniff periodically for decay, No server. No host. No updates in a year. No link. I’m not choosy about quality, even crappy blogs need linky love to help them grow into big crappy blogs.

Fun. So, that’s the tour. We’ll be counting the silverware before you leave. Seacrest, out.