New Evidence on ‘Coup Memos’ Lawyer John Eastman – Charge Him And Disbar Him

The Huffington Post reports, ‘Coup Memos’ Lawyer Ripped Mike Pence As He Hid From Jan. 6 ‘Hanging’ Mob: Report:

The [Federalist Society and Clairemount Institute] attorney who wrote the infamous “coup memos” on how to jettison the results of a legitimate presidential election angrily blamed then-Vice President Mike Pence for the Capitol “siege” as rioters roamed through the capitol building on Jan. 6 [chanting “hang Mike Pence!], The Washington Post reported on Friday. Trump attorney told Pence team vice president’s inaction caused attack on Capitol (subscriber content).

Translation: “Because you did not stick to my coup plot, and performed your constitutionally prescribed duty instead, it is only right that the violent MAGA/QAnon mob is looking for you to hang you. It’s your own damn fault.”

Jacob quoted from the email in an opinion piece he planned to publish earlier this year but ultimately opted not to. A draft of the article was obtained by the Post.

Eastman “displayed a shocking lack of awareness of how those practical implications were playing out in real time,” Jacob wrote in the draft, according to the Post. He called Eastman’s relentless legal advice on how to subvert Americans’ vote “a barrage of bankrupt legal theories.”

Jacob wrote in the draft column that Eastman and Trump’s former personal attorney Rudy Giuliani were part of a “cadre of outside lawyers” who had “spun a web of lies and disinformation” in an attempt to pressure Pence to betray his oath of office and the Constitution by rejecting electoral votes, the Post noted.

Eastman confirmed to the Post that he wrote the email to Jacob, but denied that he was blaming Pence for the violence. He insisted the election was “plagued by widespread fraud,” a perspective unsupported by any evidence.

This traitor Eastman has a habit of denying things he has put into writing, only to affirm it later when he thinks he is among like-minded supporters. In a recent interview with National Review, Eastman attempted to distance himself from his own “coup memos” calling its tactics “crazy” and not “viable.”

But Lauren Windsor with Undercurrent TV shot an undercover video at the annual gala for the Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, which Eastman founded and currently chairs. Undercover Video: Trump Lawyer John Eastman Admits His Jan. 6 Memo Really Was the Plan, Throws Pence Under the Bus:

In the first video clip, Windsor tells Eastman she thought he was “really doing the Lord’s work” and that his memo was “solid in all of its legal arguments.” He responds positively to her flattery, smiling broadly.

Windsor says she “just was floored that Mike Pence didn’t do anything” even though Eastman had given him the “legal reasoning” to overturn the election in that memo.

“I know, I know,” replied Eastman.

“I mean, like, you know, supporter to supporter, like why do you think that Mike Pence didn’t do it?” Windsor asked.

“Well, ’cause Mike Pence is an establishment guy at the end of the day,” said Eastman, explaining that the establishment GOP in DC had “bought into this very myopic view that Trump is destroying the Republican Party.”

In a second video, Windsor captured Eastman saying that Trump had planned to go to the Capitol himself, but decided not to after the violence broke out. He also made a series of outlandish claims, pushing debunked conspiracy theories about alleged infiltration of the rioters by antifa and FBI. He also, as Windsor noted in a tweet, seemed to refer to violent paramilitary groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers that were among the rioters as “our guys.”


HuffPost continues:

Eastman was part of a Trump “war room” team based in the Willard Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C., after Biden’s victory, plotting how to overturn the results of the presidential election.

The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection plans to subpoena Eastman.

Excuse me? There is already enough information in the public domaine to charge this sonuvabitch traitor with a seditious conspiracy and inciting an insurrection. And that goes for Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani as well. WTF is the Department of Justice waiting for? An invitation to the next insurrection?

Aaron Blake at the Washington Post commenting on the Post’s reporting writes The most shocking new revelation about John Eastman (excerpt):

[N]ew revelations from The Washington Post on Friday night reinforce that there was indeed an effort to leverage the mob — quite explicitly.

The big news in the new investigation from The Post’s Josh Dawsey, Jacqueline Alemany, Jon Swaine and Emma Brown involves Trump lawyer John Eastman, the author of the infamous memos laying out a legal case trying to get Vice President Mike Pence to help overturn the election. It turns out that even as rioters overran the Capitol and a recalcitrant Pence was forced into hiding, Eastman emailed a Pence aide to actually blame Pence for the scene.

After Pence aide Greg Jacob emailed Eastman to tell him that his “bull—-” legal advice was why Pence’s team was “under siege,” Eastman responded that it was in fact Pence’s fault.

“The ‘siege’ is because YOU and your boss did not do what was necessary to allow this [election challenge] to be aired in a public way so that the American people can see for themselves what happened,” Eastman replied, as revealed in a previously unpublished op-ed by Jacob.

Blaming a guy who is in hiding in fear of his life is certainly a position to take. We knew Trump posted a tweet attacking Pence early in the riot, even after Pence had just gone into hiding, but it hasn’t been clear that Trump knew he was in hiding or about the level of the danger involved. Here is Trump’s lawyer suggesting that even when they were able to appreciate the danger, Pence was still being leaned on.

But that’s arguably not even the most compelling evidence that Trump and Eastman tried to leverage the mob attack. Check out this section of The Post’s report about what happened after the Capitol had been cleared and Congress had reconvened:

Pence allowed other lawmakers to speak before they returned to counting the votes, and said he wasn’t counting the time from his speech or the other lawmakers against the time allotted in the Electoral Count Act.

Eastman said that this prompted him to email Jacob to say that Pence should not certify the election because he had already violated the Electoral College Act, which Pence had cited as a reason that he could not send the electors back to the states.

“My point was they had already violated the electoral count act by allowing debate to extend past the allotted two hours, and by not reconvening ‘immediately’ in joint session after the vote in the objection,” Eastman told The Post. “It seemed that had already set the precedent that it was not an impediment.”

This is all a bit dense. But what it basically amounts to is Eastman’s trying to use the fallout of a mob attack — one spurred by his and Trump’s baseless claims of electoral fraud and Eastman’s highly unorthodox plan to overturn the election — to then get Pence to reject election results based upon a technicality.

Pence had given lawmakers time to talk about the ugly scene that had just transpired, something which many of them were understandably pretty raw about. But, in this, Eastman apparently saw an opportunity.

Basically everything about this entire effort to overturn the election was brazen, but that’s certainly right up there in terms of degree.

Ultimately, the riot turned out to be counterproductive, with even GOP members who had been planning to object to certain states throwing in the towel on the effort. But even as that was happening, and even after Eastman’s plan helped spawn one of the ugliest scenes of political violence in American political history, Eastman was pushing forward — not just doing so despite the insurrection, but also trying to use it to further his plan.

Between that, Trump’s comment to McCarthy, and Trump’s tweet attacking Pence, it’s pretty clear the Trump team saw utility in the mob. And they apparently tried to exploit it to the bitter end.

Once again, there is already enough information in the public domaine to charge this sonuvabitch traitor with a seditious conspiracy and inciting an insurrection. And that goes for Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani as well. WTF is the Department of Justice waiting for?

Bar organizations should immediately disbar John Eastman, and criminal charges should be filed against him forthwith. He should spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars. And that goes double for Donald Trump and his consigliere, Rudy Giuliani.

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