I decided to try my hand at putting together a Squidoo Lens (a special site for bringing together internet resources into one page) for following the votes of Representative for CD 8 Gabrielle Giffords (D – AZ) and news and information about her. The result is online and I invite you to visit and shoot me any suggestions for additional information to include. I encourage people in other Congressional Districts to make similar Lenses for their own district and to join a group I made for Squidoo Congressional District Lenses, so you can better know your district.
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Ah, yes! the best government money can buy. No offense to any candidate, but I think it is very important for the public to know the names and business affiliations of large contributors.
Democracy, to be effective, needs large numbers (preferably the whole voting age population) to involve themselves in the political progress, at the very least to the extent of voting in elections. When the news is how much money a candidate has collected becomes the surrogate for the “best” candidate and the predictor of who will win an election, people who do not contribute money and who are not inclined to vote – often because they believe their vote doesn’t matter – are further turned off by the political process, as it is working in our America.
I would like to see people – all people – believe that even as they pay their electric bill, phone bill, etc., they contribute to their political party. Once someone gives money, they have a greater feeling of ownership of the process. A sense of ownership is what will make them participate in the process and VOTE!!!
Just my 2 cents!
Looks like Tim Bee had better start raising the bucks now……..
Interesting tidbit:
Giffords raised about $330,000 in the first quarter of this year. This gives her over $400,000 cash on hand for 2008. A nice headstart and something for Republicans to think about as they consider a run.