SWAG list of candidates for 2016 (updated)

I have been remiss in updating the “Silly Wild Ass Guess” (SWAG) list of candidates who are running for office in the Arizona Legislature, the Arizona Corporation Commission, and Congress in 2016. The list of candidates who have already filed, according to the Arizona Secretary of State web site, are listed below. (Federal candidates are … Read more

SWAG list of candidates for 2016

It’s that time of year when everyone in the media is doing lists, so it is time for the “Silly Wild Ass Guess” (SWAG) list of candidates who are running for office in the Arizona Legislature, the Arizona Corporation Commission, and Congress in 2016. The list of candidates who have already filed, according to the … Read more

It’s 2015, but candidates are already filing for 2016

/By Craig McDermott, crossposted from Random Musings The calendar still says that it is 2015, but some candidates have already started filing paperwork for 2016 runs for office*. * = Filing of campaign paperwork is no guarantee that a particular candidate will be on a ballot next year, or, if they’ve indicated a particular office … Read more

The top media fraud of 2009

Posted by AzBlueMeanie: The breathless reporting of this story is a staple of every conservative media outlet in America. Faux News dedicates half of its broadcast day to pushing this story (only a slight exaggeration). Republican members of Congress repeat what they hear from the right-wing noise machine matter-of-factly in floor speeches in Congress and … Read more