Finally coming into the Twenty First Century: Arizona repeals the “No Promo Homo” Law.

In a supersonic pace (sparked by a federal lawsuit) that normally is not seen in the political process, the Arizona State Legislature passed and Governor Doug Ducey signed a law repealing language, commonly known as “No Promo Homo.” that had been codified since 1991 that restricted what teachers could instruct, and what students can learn, … Read more

One of Arizona’s worst ousted. There are many more to vote out in 2020.

While it is right that Arizonans celebrated and hailed the forced resignation of Legislative District One State Representative David Stringer citizens need to remember that he is not the only reactionary legislator that does not serve the public good that needs to be defeated. Some of his vile comments on education like “public schools should … Read more

17 Cannabis Bills Introduced in Avalanche of Legislation

By Mikel Weisser, editor of Arizona Cannabis Monthly and State Director, Arizona NORML. Reprinted with permission. We have been following the AZ state legislature for six years now and have never seen such an avalanche of ccannabis-related bills in the opening week at the Capitol. Seventeen cannabis-related bills came in the opening week. In addition to fourteen that impact AZ’s … Read more

Donkey Feed, Sept. 11, 2018

By Michael Bryan Let us all take some time today to remember and mourn those 2,977 human beings (I always exclude the 19 murderous scum from the death toll of 9/11) who were murdered on 9/11/01. But let us never forget the over 6,381 military personnel who have subsequently died in the wars we were drawn into by those atrocities; … Read more