Pima County Bd. of Supervisors appoint Chris Ackerley to Pima County Treasurer

The Pima County Board of Supervisors met together today in their regular meeting and appointed Deputy Treasurer Chris Ackerley (R) to the vacant Treasurer position. Long time Treasurer Republican Beth Ford retired last Friday.

The League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson held a virtual forum on April 11 for the two applicants to this position to answer questions. The other applicant was Republican Patti Davidson, former Deputy Treasurer (2001 to 2016). Retiring Beth Ford had recommended Ackerley for the appointment. Pima County Assessor Suzanne Droubie (D) also endorsed Ackerley, who served in the AZ House for one term and is the nephew of Ed Ackerley, Independent candidate for Tucson Mayor twice.

The motion to appoint Acklerley was made by Supervisor Steve Christy (R), seconded by Supervisor Rex Scott (D) and the vote was 3-2, with Supervisors Adelita Grijalva (D) and Matt Heinz (D) voting no. Supervisor Sylvia Lee (D)voted yes.

Ackerley is running for the Treasurer seat in November 2024. He faces the winner of the July 30, 2024 Dem primary, either Brian Johnson or Sami Hamed. Ackerley also served in the AZ House for one term, 2015 to 2017 representing then LD 2.

In April 2020 the Pima County Bd. of Supervisors had appointed Betty Villegas as a placeholder till the General Election for District 5 Supervisor. Also just recently in Dec. 2023 they appointed Dr. Sylvia Lee as a placeholder for the recently vacated District 3 Supervisor seat.

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