Pima Supervisor Christy Gaslights himself

Republican Steve Christy voted against abortion rights, early childhood education, road maintenance, affordable housing, heat mitigation, and libraries.

Now comes Steve Christy, the irrelevant member of the Pima Board of Supervisors, complaining about “gaslighting.” He says Tucson’s leaders want to distract him from Trump’s mass deportation plans — to reduce the workforce by sending US troops into Arizona in a big plan to round up 11 million people.

What could go wrong? Just ask the 120,000 Japanese Americans who were put in internment camps in 1942. When has any ethnic mass deportation brought anything but terror?

A lonely, whining sound in the desert

Accordingly, why should we pay attention to Christy at all? In 2024, he voted against the public interest more than 100 times in fits of pique.

With this nihilistic voting record, Supervisor Christy has demonstrated he is a lonely, whining sound in the desert.

During the 18 meetings of the Pima County Supervisors held in 2024, Steve Christy voted “nay” 99 times against abortion rights, early childhood education, road maintenance, affordable housing, heat mitigation, libraries, and homeless shelters—including several measures to allow the county government to function.

Notably, Christy voted on April 16, 2024, against calling for the Arizona Legislature to repeal Arizona’s 160-year-old near-total abortion ban. Christy also voted against certifying the 2020 and 2022 elections in earlier years.

Supervisor Christy should be ashamed. Following is a chronological account of Christy’s disgraceful voting record.

DATA Source: https://pima.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx

Supervisor Meeting dates

September 3, 2024

Against Acceptance – Community and Workforce Development Arizona Department of Economic Security, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Housing Support Services – Pima County and Balance of State and extend grant term to 6/30/25, no cost

In a cry for attention Supervisor Christy literally notes “no” on every motion in the Pima County Supervisors’ meeting’.

Against Acceptance – Community and Workforce Development Arizona Department of Economic Security, Amendment No. 2, to provide for the Housing Support Services – Pima County and Balance of State, amend grant language and scope of work, no cost.

Against Acceptance – Community and Workforce Development Arizona Department of Economic Security, Amendment No. 3, to provide for the Housing Support Services – Pima County and Balance of State and amend grant language, $197,543

Against Resolution No. 2024 -53 of the Board of Supervisors in support of the “Stop Fentanyl at the Border Act” (S. 3591).

Against Staff recommendation of approval of the City of Tucson-Pima County Consortium HUD Citizen Participation Plan to comply with federal regulations to receive specific entitlement funding from HUD.

Against Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Grant RESOLUTION NO.. 2024 – 52, of the Board of Supervisors, delegating authority to the County Administrator or designee to execute documents for the enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Grant Program.

Against the City of Tucson, to provide an intergovernmental agreement for the preparation and submission of July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2030, Consolidated Plan Update and the Annual Action Plans, HUD CDBG Fund, contract amount $75,000.00

Against Helping Ourselves Pursue Enrichment, Inc. (HOPE, Inc.), Amendment No. 3, to provide for transitioning peer support services, extend contract term to 9/12/25 and amend contractual language, no cost

Against Theelios, L.L.C., Amendment No. 2, to provide for Recorder  database management, extend contract term to 9/5/25, amend contractual language and scope of services, Special Revenue Fund, contract amount $90,000

August 19, 2024

Against Belvedere Terrace, L.P. and Newport SW, LLC, to provide for Belvedere Terrace Gap funding for affordable housing, Regional Affordable Housing Fund, contract amount $1,000,000.00

Belvedere Terrace, L.P. and Newport SW, LLC, to provide for Belvedere Terrace Gap funding for affordable housing, Regional Affordable Housing Fund, contract amount $1,811,361.58 revenue/30-year term

Christy voted against charities, including Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and Humane Borders, Inc.

Against funding for affordable housing, Regional Affordable Housing Fund, contract amount $1,000,000

Against Center for Community Mediation and Facilitation, Amendment No. 2, to provide for the Restorative Justice Program and amend contractual language, Vitalyst Health Foundation Fund, contract amount $25,000.00

Against Improving Reentry for Adults with Co-occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Illness, INVEST Program

Against Community and Workforce Development Arizona Department of Economic Security, Amendment No. 3, to provide for the PY22/FY23 – Extension of Awarded One Time Funding Opportunities – Youth and amend grant language, $329,645

Against Pima County’s ability to levy taxes to keep the government running

August 13, 2024

Against Belvedere Terrace, L.P. and Newport SW, LLC, to provide for Belvedere Terrace Gap funding for affordable housing, Regional Affordable Housing Fund, contract amount $1,811,361.58 revenue/30-year term

Against Comprehensive Housing Market Study and Charrette Project, Regional Affordable Housing Fund, contract amount $425,000.

Against Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program and amend the scope of work, $691,245.

Against the selection process to fill the vacancy of Constable, Justice Precinct 4.

July 16, 2024

Against Acceptance – Health Arizona Family Health Partnership, d.b.a. Affirm Sexual and Reproductive Health, to provide for reproductive health services, $531,250.00

Against Resolve to Save Lives, Inc., to provide for the 7-1-7 Alliance Project to use laboratory data to improve the timeliness of detection, notification, and early response to disease outbreaks, $74,963

Against Extreme Heat Mitigation and Response to ensure the health and safety of all Pima County residents, employees, contractors and vendors, including the deployment of Administrative Procedure 3-35 for County Workforce Heat Safety, establishment of a 3-year Strategic Heat Plan, Heat Communications Efforts and draft Heat Safety Ordinance for County Contractors.

Against Catholic Community Services of SO AZ, Inc., to provide a cooperative agreement for the provision of humanitarian services at no cost

Against The University of Arizona, to provide for the Pima CARES Project, US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Fund, contract amount $266,632

Christy voted against the repeal of Arizona’s 1864 near-total abortion ban, passed by an all-male legislature at a time when women lacked the right to vote and Arizona was not yet a state,

Against Burgess & Niple, Inc., to provide for Pima County Safe Streets for All: Creating a Culture of Safety for our Community Project, US Department of Transportation FHWA SS4A Grant Fund, contract amount $1,380,959

Against Streetlight Data, Inc., to provide for traveler mobility data and analysis interface, 11044CC TR – Mobility Innovation and Technology Fund, contract amount $350,000

Against providing an Amended and Restated Mosaic Quarter Master Ground Lease and amend contractual language, the contract amount $25,494,882

Against Acceptance – County Attorney US Department of Justice and Arizona Criminal Justice Commission, to provide for the Arizona State Crisis Intervention Program Grant, $352,429

July 2, 2024

Against Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona, Inc., to provide for Fiscal Year 2024 Shelter and Services Program – Allocated (SSP-A), US DHS/FEMA/Grant Programs Directorate Fund, contract amount $1,512,248.58

June 18, 2024

Against the City of Tucson, Amendment No. 3, to provide for the Pima Early Education Program, extend the contract term to 9/1/25 and amend the contractual language, the contract amount is $750,000 revenue from the city to the county.

Against Sunnyside Unified School District, Amendment No. 3, to provide for the Pima Early Education Program, extend contract term to 5/31/25 and amend contractual language, City of Tucson Grant Fund, contract amount $311,090

Against Amphitheater Public Schools, to provide for the Pima Early Education Program, City of Tucson Grant Fund, contract amount $466,635

Against Library District Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2024/2025.

Against Final Pima County Budget for Fiscal Year 2024/2025.

Against Grant Acceptance Institute of Museum and Library Services, Library Services and Technology Act, to provide for Serving Patrons’ Psychosocial Needs in the Library, $58,410

Against Compass Affordable Housing, Inc., to provide for Emergency Eviction Legal Services Emergency Housing – Rehousing Assistance, Arizona Department of Housing – SB 1720 Housing Shelter & Services Fund, contract amount $1,055,106

Against the City of Tucson, to provide an intergovernmental agreement for Emergency Eviction Legal Services – Emergency Housing, Arizona Department of Housing – SB 1720 Homeless Shelter & Services Fund, contract amount $1,197,683

Against City of Tucson, to provide for Fiscal Year 2024 Shelter and Services – Allocated (SSP-A), US DHS/FEMA/Grant Programs Directorate Fund, contract amount $2,870,526

Against Arbo Scientific, LLC, to provide for Vector surveillance, US Department of Treasury American Rescue Plan Act Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, contract amount $362,292

Against Arrington Watkins Architects, L.L.C., to provide for Architectural and Engineering Design Services: Pima County Adult Detention Complex Study (XMJSTY), General Fund PAYGO, contract amount $820,858.00/2 year term (CT-CPO-24-52) Administering Department: Project Design and Construction.

June 4, 2024

Against Humane Borders, Inc., Amendment No. 1, to provide for water distribution services in the remote areas of Pima County, extend contract term to 6/30/25 and amend contractual language, General Fund, contract amount $30,000

Against 2022/23 Audit Results by the Office of the Auditor General for compliance with Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) §11-661 and §41-1494. Staff recommended acceptance of the FY2022/23 audit results submitted by the Office of the Auditor General and approval of the Human Resources memorandum proposed in the separate agenda item demonstrating compliance with ARS §41-1494.

Against Legal Asylum Seekers Discussion/Direction/Action regarding future federal funding opportunities supporting legal asylum seekers.

May 21, 2024

Against Marana Unified School District, Amendment No. 3, to provide for the Pima Early Education Program, extend contract term to 5/31/25 and amend contractual language, Town of Marana Grant Fund, contract amount $155,545.20

Against Pima Early Education Program, extend contract term to 12/31/25, amend contractual language and scope of services, US Department of Treasury, American Rescue Plan Act – Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, contract amount $11,738,092.00 decrease.

Against Pima Early Education Program, extend contract term to 9/1/25 and amend contractual language, contract amount $155,545.20 revenue.

Against Develop requirements for County Departments to bring back to the BOS by June 4 a plan for protecting employees from heat-related health issues.

Against Action regarding a selection process to fill the vacancy of Constable, Justice Precinct 4.

Against Lloyd Construction Company, Inc., Amendment No. 9, to provide for Construction Manager at Risk Services: Northwest County Service Center (XNWHLC), extend contract term to 12/31/25 and amend contractual language, no cost.

Against Acceptance – Grants Management and Innovation US Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Grant Programs Directorate, to provide for the Fiscal Year 2024 Shelter and Services Allocated, $21,827,581

Against rezoning approximately 6.13 acres in the Catalina Foothills Planning Area from the Resource Sensitive (RS) to the Rural Crossroads (RX) land use designation.

Against rezoning 4.77 acres on W. Ironwood Hill Drive from the SR (BZ) (Suburban Ranch – Buffer Overlay) to the SR-2 (BZ) (Suburban Ranch Estate – Buffer Overlay) zone.

Against amending the Pima County Zoning Code Chapter 18.07 (General Regulations and Exceptions) to add standards for residential development on developed properties along major transportation corridors.

Against adoption of the Stadium District Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2024/2025.

Against expansion of the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge.

May 7, 2024

Against Acceptance – Community and Workforce Development US Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency, to provide for the Emergency Food & Shelter Program Phase 41, $406,537.

Against Acceptance – Community and Workforce Development US Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency, to provide for the Emergency Food & Shelter Program Phase 41, $406,537.00

Against Non-Competitive Outside Agency Funding for the 2024-2025 recommended budget specific to JobPath, Sun Corridor Inc., and the Metropolitan Education Commission.

Against adoption of ‘Heat Awareness Week.’

Against United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona, Inc., to provide for the Employees Care about Pima County (ECAP) 2024 Campaign, General Fund, contract amount $38,337.

April 16, 2024

Against Resolution No.. 2024 calling for the Arizona Legislature to “repeal this 160-year-old near-total abortion ban, passed by an all-male legislature at a time when women lacked the right to vote, and Arizona was not yet a state, and enact legislation instead that upholds the rights of individuals to access safe and legal abortion care without unnecessary restrictions.”

Against the proposed revisions to Board of Supervisors Policy D 32.3, Pima County Public Library – Collection Development Policy.

Against the Revised American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CSLFRF), Budget Staff recommended approving the revised ARPA CSLFRF project budgets and authorizing any necessary operating transfers.

Against Partners in Health, Amendment No. 1, to provide for consultation for Vaccine Equity Program, extend contract term to 6/30/25, amend contractual language and scope of services, CDC/ADHS Fund, contract amount $97,613

April 2, 2024

Against acceptance of Arizona Housing Coalition, Inc., Amendment No. 1, to provide for Bolstering Supportive Housing Now; High Impact Rural Supports & Statewide Capacity Buildings and amend grant language, no cost.

Against Acceptance – Justice Services John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, to provide for Safety and Justice Challenge Capstone, $225,000

Against The Pima County Attorney’s Office‘s request, the approximately $2.4 million in funding that was removed from its budget should be returned for this fiscal year and the upcoming fiscal year, either in full or in part.

March 19, 2024

Against Acceptance – Health Arizona Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Amendment No. 2, to provide for COVID-19 Health Disparities, extend grant term to 5/31/26 and amend grant language, no cost (GTAM 24-59)

Against Acceptance – Justice Services John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Amendment No. 2, to provide for the Safety and Justice Challenge and extend grant term to 12/31/24, no cost

March 5, 2024

Against a Hearing – Code Text Amendment Ordinance No. 2024 – 2, of the Board of Supervisors, relating to Law Enforcement; amending the Pima County Code, Title 9.

February 20, 2024

Against acceptance of the recommendations, as endorsed by the Pima County Regional Affordable Housing Commission, totaling $6.875 million for 835 affordable housing units – representing new development, home ownership and rental and preservation of existing units.

February 6, 2024

Against City of Tucson, to provide for Fiscal Agent Pima County/Emergency Food and Shelter to Families and Individuals encountered by the DHS, FEMA/Emergency Food and Shelter to Families and Individuals encountered by the DHS – Phase HR22 Fund, contract amount $2,273,437

Against the City of Tucson, to provide for Fiscal Year 2023 Shelter and Services Program, DHS/FEMA/Grant Programs Directorate Fund, contract amount $3,774,485.

Against Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona, Inc., Amendment No. 2, to provide for Fiscal Agent Pima County/Pima County Emergency Food and Shelter to Families and Individuals encountered by the DHS, extend contract term to 2/29/24 and amend contractual language, no cost.

Against the City of Tucson, Amendment No. 2, to provide for Fiscal Agent Pima County/Pima County Emergency Food and Shelter to Families and Individuals encountered by the DHS, extend contract term to 2/29/24 and amend contractual language, no cost.

Against Catholic Community Services of SO AZ, Inc., Amendment No. 2, to provide for a Cooperative Agreement for Provision of Humanitarian Services, extend contract term to 3/6/25 and amend contractual language, no cost.

Against Stadium District Board Award Amendment to provide for portable restroom rental and services. This amendment increases the annual award amount by $150,000.00 from $250,000.00 to $400,000.00 for a cumulative not-to-exceed contract amount of $800,000.

Against Catholic Community Services of SO AZ, Inc., Amendment No. 2, to provide for a Cooperative Agreement for Provision of Humanitarian Services, extend contract term to 3/6/25 and amend contractual language, no cost.

Against Amendment of Award: Master Agreement No. MA-PO-21-106, Amendment No. 4, WAC, LLC, d.b.a. Stamback Septic Service, to provide portable restroom rental and services. This amendment increases the annual award amount by $150,000.00 from $250,000.00 to $400,000.00 for a cumulative not-to-exceed contract amount of $800,000.

Against Amendment of Award: AAA Cab Service, Inc., d.b.a. AAA Full Transportation, to provide short-distance transportation services for Asylum Seekers. This amendment extends the termination date to 8/15/24.

Against Acceptance – Justice Services US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the FY 2022 Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training Program and amend grant language, no cost.

Against the State of Arizona, to provide an intergovernmental agreement to construct traffic interchanges between Country Club Road and Kino Parkway, General Fund PAYGO, contract amount $6,628,217.

Against Acceptance – Community and Workforce Development Arizona Department of Housing, to provide for the SFY2024 Homeless Shelter and Services Fund, $3,513,944.

Against Acceptance – Grants Management and Innovation US Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)/Emergency Food and Shelter Program National Board, to provide for the Fiscal Agent Pima County/FEMA Emergency Food and Shelter to Families and Individuals encountered by the DHS – Phase HR22, $5,216,146.

Against Acceptance – Justice Services US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the FY 2022 Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training Program and amend grant language, no cost.

January 23, 2024

Against Recommended Uses of Inflation, Contingency Staff recommended approval for the use of inflation contingency of $550,700.00 to the Sheriff’s Department and $537,867.00 to Facilities Management to alleviate the impacts of inflation.

Against Acceptance – Capital Program Office Stratford Art Works, Inc., Amendment No. 1, to provide for the 2022 renovation of Teatro Carmen, extend grant term to 6/30/25 and amend grant language, $280,000.00

January 9, 2024

Against Board of Supervisors Procedural Organization Selection of the Chair, Vice Chair and Acting Chair. Motion 1: Motion by Supervisor Scott, seconded by Supervisor Heinz, select Chair Grijalva as Chair

Against Motion by Supervisor Lee, seconded by Chair Grijalva, select Supervisor Scott as Vice Chair.

Against Revisions to Personnel Policy Staff recommended approving the proposed revisions to Personnel Policy No. 8-117, Pay Plan.

Against Amendment of Award: Master Agreement No. MA-PO-20-56, Amendment No. 8, McKesson Medical-Surgical Government Solutions, LLC, to provide for medical supplies. This amendment increases the annual award amount by $200,000.00 from $800,000.00 to $1,000,000.00 for a cumulative not-to-exceed contract amount of $3,550,000.

Against Cardinal Health, Inc., d.b.a. Cardinal Health 110, LLC, Amendment No. 1, to provide for pharmaceuticals and amend contractual language, Health Department Operations Fund, contract amount $2,000,000.00

Against Jot Redroof Properties, LLC and Jot Comfort Properties, LLC, Amendment No. 11, to provide for hotel shelter services, extend contract term to 6/18/24, amend contractual language and scope of services, Immigrant Emergency Care and Testing Grant Fund, contract amount $2,750,000.00

Against Acceptance – Health Arizona Department of Health Services, Amendment No. 1, to provide for immigrant emergency care and testing and amend grant language, $1,764,999

Against Acceptance – Health Center for Disease Control and Prevention, to provide for the Pima REACH Coalition: restoring cultures of health among Native American and Hispanic/Latinx communities in Pima County, AZ, $539,256

Against Acceptance – Justice Services John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Amendment No. 2, to provide for the Safety and Justice Challenge Focused Racial Equity Cohort, extend grant term to 6/30/24 and amend grant language, no cost.

Against proposed amendments to the Pima County Board of Supervisors Rules and Regulations to eliminate the position of Acting Chair.

Against Discussion/Direction/Action regarding the proposed amendment to the Pima County Board of Supervisors Rules and Regulations, to add the following under Section B. Chair: 10. Appointment of Board Members to Boards, Committees and Commissions.

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2 thoughts on “Pima Supervisor Christy Gaslights himself”

  1. What exactly is he for?? Its easy to vote “No,” all the time, knowing you’re not responsible for anything, harder to do anything positive. We have Congressmen like him, Biggs and Gosar for two.

  2. Thanks for this article, Larry. Calling this hack a nihilist is kind; he’s really a Neanderthal (which is probably an insult to Neanderthals……)


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