Polling Place Monitor Volunteers Needed

I got the following notice from Linda at the Arizona Advocacy Network:

My name is Linda Brown and I Direct the Arizona Advocacy Network, a
community organization leading the fight to overturn Prop 200’s voter ID and proof-of-citizenship requirements through a federal lawsuit.  As you may know, about two weeks ago the US Supreme Court overturned a preliminary injunction that had enjoined these requirements for Tuesday’s election.  In their order they challenged us to document the extent of voter disenfranchisement.  We are recruiting volunteers to help us with this enormous task.  They will be stationed outside polling places during the morning and evening rushes to interview voters who were unable to cast regular ballots due to the ID requirements.

In addition, we need help posting our signs outside polling places that provide voters with our toll-free hotline.  The signs say "Questions or Problems Voting?  Call 1-866-OUR-VOTE."

If you are interested in this issue, perhaps you would be willing to
publicize our hotline and send out a plea for volunteers to your readers. Those interested can contact our Organizer, Eric Pashkin at
epashkin@yahoo.com.  Or they can call our Phoenix office at 602-297-2500.

Thanks very much,

Linda Brown
Arizona Advocacy Network
1616 E. Indian School Road, Suite 340
Phoenix, AZ  85016

If you aren’t otherwise engaged during the election, please consider helping with this important effort.

8 thoughts on “Polling Place Monitor Volunteers Needed”

  1. AZw88:

    Great to hear about your dad and the Retail Clerks Union activities in the 1960’s when we struck Goodmans Markets and won alot of good things including Union _Pensions. Your Dad might know me because I was a Union Steward at that time and very busy putting up Union Store Cards and organizing. You might tell your Dad to ask Paul Rubin of The Union Local 99(Then Local 727) about me, because he is a good friend, and spent time in jail for unionizing The Arizona Desert Museum. Alot of people do not realize the Museum is a UNION staffed and members of The United Food and Commercial Workers Union!

  2. Roy Warden is nothing but an empty shell of a human being. He’s been posting the same, tired message at different blogs. I can’t wait for him to make a scene at one of the polling stations tomorrow so he can get slapped with more harassment lawsuits and put in jail where he belongs.

  3. Leister, my dad was very involved with the UFCW, especially in the 1960’s, and was treasurer at one point. I will have to ask my dad if he knew/knows you

  4. F.O.A.D. Warden.
    Isupported your right to burn the Mexican flag as part of your protest (just as I support the right to burn theAmerican flag as a part of a protest) but your racist, hate-filled message needs to go. Scare and harrasement tactics @ polling places is morally, ethically and legally WRONG.

  5. Linda and the rest of you left wing clowns, listen up.

    I already have cameras in place. If you are illegal and show up to vote, I’ll have your picture, which I will run through face recognition software I acquired from Homeland Security.

    “El Jefe”, Raul Grijalva, has said: “Today we March, Tomorrow We Vote!”,to which I now add: “And then you go to jail!”

    Since I just “Beat the Rap”, you know I mean what I say.

    Warden, the Notorious Mexican Flag Burner

    520 881-0535

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