President Bill Clinton fundraiser for Andrei Cherny

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Compiled from a press release from the Andrei Cherny for State Treasurer campaign:


Next Monday, April 26th, former President Bill Clinton will be in Phoenix lending a hand to our campaign to turn Arizona’s economy around.  And you’re invited to join us at a small “meet and greet” fundraiser that morning. For details and to RSVP click on this link Andrei Cherny for State Treasurer


Join Us for a small "Meet and Greet" with

former President Bill Clinton

Monday, April 26th at 9 a.m.

in North Phoenix

(location provided upon RSVP)

Ticket: $840 per person

To RSVP, please make your contribution by Friday, April 23rd at this Link


If you have any questions, please email


Even if you can't afford the ticket price, we want you be part of this.  We’ve gotten this far in this campaign because of our grassroots support – with most of our contributors giving $100 or less.  That’s why we’re opening this event up to the members of our movement for change. Between now and noon (AZ time) on Friday, April 23rd, every contribution of $25 and above will be entered into a pool and one person will be randomly selected to join our small group with President Clinton next Monday.

Whether or not you can join us in Phoenix for this event – and whether or not you’ve already contributed before – I hope you’ll take this opportunity to make a donation to our campaign. We need your help and this visit from President Clinton reminds us all of how much is at stake in this election.

Under President Clinton’s leadership in the White House, Americans created 22 million new jobs and he worked across party lines to balance the budget for the first time in nearly thirty years. We brought down the size of government while opening the doors of opportunity to millions.

That’s the combination of fiscal responsibility, investment in our future, and fundamental reform we need in Arizona today. As Treasurer, I’ll make sure Wall Street doesn’t run amok with our money and we’ll invest more in Arizona and the jobs of our future. We’ll use audits to make government work better, cost less, and provide high-quality services. And we’ll use our tools to help make Arizona the “Solar State.”

Tomorrow marks 1,000 hours to go before the next fundraising deadline. In those closing days of the last reporting period, you made Arizona political history. President Clinton’s visit is a great kick-off to doing it again – but we need your help.

Join us today,


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