After the U.S. intelligence agencies issued a public report on Thursday detailing the ways that Russia acted to influence the American election through cyber espionage, and President Obama announced sanctions against Russia, Putin pal Donald Trump praised Putin’s response to sanctions, calls Russian leader ‘very smart!’:
Late Friday, Trump again took to his Twitter account to critique how the media has been covering the issue.
Trump’s comments and his handling of the Russian hacking allegations could embolden foreign hackers and undermine the U.S. government’s ability to respond to them, analysts say. Trump’s doubts about cybersecurity alarm experts.
Trump’s praise for Putin was followed on Saturday with this bizarre claim: Trump Promises a Revelation on Hacking:
President-elect Donald J. Trump, expressing lingering skepticism about intelligence assessments of Russian interference in the election, said on Saturday evening that he knew “things that other people don’t know” about the hacking, and that the information would be revealed “on Tuesday or Wednesday.”
He added: “And I know a lot about hacking. And hacking is a very hard thing to prove. So it could be somebody else. And I also know things that other people don’t know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation.”
When asked what he knew that others did not, Mr. Trump demurred, saying only, “You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”
It is a fact that The Kremlin’s candidate, Putin pal Donald Trump, has a pro-Putin inner circle, and there have been unconfirmed reports that the Russians were sharing their hacking with the Trump campaign. If confirmed, this would be an explosive revelation of coordinating with a foreign government. The computer server that the media should be fixated on. Is this Trump’s big reveal?
And if Donald Trump has relevant information about the Russian hacking that he believes the intelligence agencies do not have, why has the president-elect not already shared this information with the intelligence agencies (instead of refusing security briefings)? Whose interests does Trump represent? This is U.S. national security we are talking about here, not some goddamn reality TV show.
There is another equally disturbing possibility. Trump’s grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents), i.e., that “I know a lot about hacking . . . I also know things that other people don’t know,” raises the concern expressed by three psychologists specializing in personality disorders, explaining how such a disorder might help us understand Donald Trump’s comments and behaviors and the challenges that likely lie ahead for our country.
Huffington Post‘s Richard Greene writes, Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill? 3 Professors Of Psychiatry Ask President Obama To Conduct ‘A Full Medical And Neuropsychiatric Evaluation’:
I received this stunning letter to President Obama from a source, with written permission from Dr. Herman, Dr. Gartrell and Dr. Mosbacher, because the source knew that I had been interviewing Psychiatrists and Psychologists about Donald Trump’s alleged “Narcissistic Personality Disorder”.
Virtually every mental health professional I interviewed told me that they believed, with 100% certainty, that Mr. Trump satisfied the DSM criteria of this incurable illness and that, as a result, he is a serious danger to the country and the world.
Listed below is a summary of their comments and an overview of this psychiatric condition.
* * *
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
November 29, 2016
Dear President Obama,
We are writing to express our grave concern regarding the mental stability of our President-Elect. Professional standards do not permit us to venture a diagnosis for a public figure whom we have not evaluated personally. Nevertheless, his widely reported symptoms of mental instability — including grandiosity, impulsivity, hypersensitivity to slights or criticism, and an apparent inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality — lead us to question his fitness for the immense responsibilities of the office. We strongly recommend that, in preparation for assuming these responsibilities, he receive a full medical and neuropsychiatric evaluation by an impartial team of investigators.
Judith Herman, M.D.
Professor of Psychiatry
Harvard Medical School
Nanette Gartrell, M.D.
Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
University of California, San Francisco (1988-2011)
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School (1983-87)
Dee Mosbacher, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Clinical Professor
Department of Community Health Systems
University of California, San Francisco (2005-2013)
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM – 5, Cluster B) for “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” by The American Psychiatric Association (APA)
Here, according to The APA, are the 9 criteria for “Narcissistic Personality Disorder”. If an individual has 5 out of the 9 they have a confirmed diagnosis of this illness. Many individuals have “traits” of narcissism but only about 1% of the population has clinical NPD.
“Summary : A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
3. Believe that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with other special or high-status people (or institutions)
4. Requires excessive admiration
5. Has a sense of entitlement
6. Is interpersonally exploitative
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.”
What does it mean if someone does have NPD?
If someone does have “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” they can, indeed, wake up, see a Tweet or a news report from a foreign leader criticizing him, mocking him, calling him “weak” or threatening his ego in any way and order some kind of impulsive, vindictive, punishing, immediate response that could include an unhinged order to attack that foreign leader or foreign country with military force, even including the authorization of nuclear weapons.
It is extremely likely that there would be some kind of impulsive, angry diplomatic response.
Because someone afflicted with this incurable and progressive “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” simply can’t help himself.
Here’s why:
1. People with NPD are extremely sensitive and insecure. They psychologically require constant compliments and acknowledgement because they do not have their own internal self-esteem. They need to get it from others.
2. If someone does criticize them, even in a Tweet or on a television comedy show, it triggers this deep and painful lack of self-esteem and they MUST lash out to relieve the pain of the criticism.
3. They have only two modes: They are either fully your friend and love you or you are their enemy and they will do everything to discredit you or humiliate you. They can’t help it. The pain of having someone in their circle who does not approve of them or acknowledge them, (almost constantly), is too great.
4. There are only two ways to deal with someone with NPD, and they are both dangerous. There is no healthy way of interacting with someone with this affliction. If you criticize them they will lash out at you and if they have a great deal of power, that can be consequential. If you compliment them it only acts to increase the delusional and grandiose reality the sufferer has created, causing him to be even more reliant on constant and endless compliments and unwavering support.
5. Because they crave the attention and approval of others they develop great capacity to engage and entertain and can be quite charismatic, even to the point of developing a cult-like following.
6. Someone with NPD will NEVER get along with any member of the press, or any media outlet that criticizes him.
7. Someone with NPD will NEVER hire (and will fire) anyone who criticizes him. Therefore, and because they believe they know better than almost everyone else, they have a very hard time listening and taking any advice.
Concerns Expressed by Mental Health Professionals
The President of The United State and Commander in Chief is the only American who has ANY say over the mobilization of The United States Military, the authorization of a military strike on a perceived or real enemy and the launch of any and all of the weapons possessed by The United States Military, including 7,000 nuclear warheads.
There is no “Fail Safe.” There is no “Team.” There is no thoughtful review.
The National Security Advisor, The Secretary of Defense, The Secretary of State, The Joint Chiefs of State and every General in the military can all emphatically say “NO!” but if The Commander in Chief wants to initiate military and even nuclear action, NO ONE can stop him. American law does not allow a military officer to make those decisions.
Only a civilian, The President, elected by The American People can access the nuclear codes. Only that President can use the nuclear codes.
And if he does, the military is duty bound to follow his order.
A President and Commander in Chief who does have Narcissistic Personality Disorder would be very dangerous to all Americans, and the world.
Whether Donald Trump and his pro-Putin inner circle are “useful idiots” or active agents of the Russian government, or whether Donald Trump is a dangerous demagogue with Narcissistic Personality Disorder as these psychologists believe, or it is a combination of both, Americans are soon going to be asking themselves “My God, what have we done?” Too late.
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“It is a fact that The Kremlin’s candidate, Putin pal Donald Trump, has a pro-Putin inner circle, and there have been unconfirmed reports that the Russians were sharing their hacking with the Trump campaign. If confirmed, this would be an explosive revelation of coordinating with a foreign government. The computer server that the media should be fixated on. Is this Trump’s big reveal?”
The computer server link was entirely under-reported and its importance dismissed. All of the comments on AZBM’s original post were arguments about the wrong stuff. The traffic pattern is actually very strong evidence of a backdoor link between the Trump Organization and the Alfa Bank and of the attempts by the Trump group to keep it secret. And, yes, from my military service I know something about what can be inferred from communications traffic patterns.
In an interview with Sean Hannity, Julian Assange revealed that Russia was NOT the source of the leaked DNC and Podesta emails.
This is the same Julian Assange and Wikileaks organization that were the darlings of the left for over a decade for exposing government secrets.
If they were respected then, then they should still be respected by the left now. So it appears that it may not have been Russia afterall.
No doubt bad news for those trying to delegitimaze the Trump presidency.
If the left has an opportunity to belittle, attack, besmirch, or otherwise denigrate Trump, old loyalties mean nothing. Hurting Trump is the preimminent goal for the next 8 years, regardless of what that entails. They also claim to hate fake news, but if fake news will hurt Trump, they will look the other way.
I wouldn’t place any bets on Trump being president for eight years. In fact, his being around for four years is highly questionable, but I’m not ready to predict anything. If the Democrats were stronger, he wouldn’t be able to finish his one and only term.
But, of course, we’ll see.
Neither one of us has any idea how long Trump will remain in office, Liza. Looking at history, incumbency carries a lot of weight and most Presidents go for two terms. From your perspective (impeachment and removal from office) the record is not so rosy. Impeachment is tough, expecially with a GOP majority in the House and removing him from office nearly impossible with the GOP controlling the Senate. He might resign because he gets bored or decides the job is no fun, but that is unlikely, too, because he likes the power the office carries.
Amyway, as you say, we’ll see…
I for one have never respected Julian Assange and Wikileaks, so don’t include me in your broadside against the “left,” Comrade.
he will reveal that putin made obama tell rust belt voters that their good paying jobs are never coming back and to get over it and putin made mrs clinton tell voters of pennsylvania and ohio that she wanted coal industry to go out of business. the sooner the democratic party gets over this and starts realizing that transgender bathroom supporters have no where else to go and white working class workers do we can become more real event to the voters.
Welcome to the reality show presidency, y’all. Soon to be hosted by our newly elected Buffoon-in-Chief.
Is this really happening?
Check Twitter for the latest developments affecting national security and everything else that crosses the mind of our Buffoon President Elect.
“Professional standards do not permit us to venture a diagnosis for a public figure whom we have not evaluated personally.”
But they are not so professional that they won’t say publicly that Trump is mentally ill. Given that all the signatories most likely supported Hillary, one can be forgiven for being skeptical about their motives.
“Only a civilian, The President, elected by The American People can access the nuclear codes. Only that President can use the nuclear codes.
On the surface. it appears that way, but look beneath the surface and there are safeguards built in against a President losing control of himself and ordering bogus nuclear attacks on some other country. The Nuclear Surety Program took virtually every scenario you can imagine into account when it was established. The odds of a mentally ill President launching nukes is slim to none.
Actually, Steve, that’s not true. I have personal knowledge of this. There is NO safeguard against an insane President using nukes. None. Time from button to launch is less than 2 minutes with NO ONE legally or physically able to countervene. If you think the people in the bunkers would fail to launch, think again. They are specifically chosen for and have a battery of psychological tests done to be sure that a) they are sane and b) they won’t question and will launch if the order comes down. Period.
“Actually, Steve, that’s not true. I have personal knowledge of this.”
Then I am sorry to inform you that your personal knowledge is flawed. Only the President can direct the use of nuclear weapons, including the Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP). While the President does have unilateral authority as commander-in-chief to order that nuclear weapons be used for any reason at any time, the actual procedures and technical systems in place for authorizing the execution of a launch order requires a secondary confirmation under a two-man rule, as the President’s order is subject to secondary confirmation by the Secretary of Defense.
“If you think the people in the bunkers would fail to launch, think again.
Think so, huh? In 1970, the Strategic Missile Command conducted a major, yet quiet, reorginization. There was a lot of speculation as to why it happened, but many it was the result of a test that was quietly conducted in 1968. In that test, the “two-man teams” manning the missile silos were put in a position of beleiving they had been directed to launch the missiles when they broken open the cookies (does your personal knowledge include knowledge of the “cookies”?). It was rumoured that approximately 30% refused to launch the missiles. Years later, after the 1970 reorginization, another such test was conducted with similar results. It resulted in redundant targeting of warheads.
Hesitancy ti kill other human beings is a natural pert of being human. In the infantry, they teach you that after an attack on an objection to redistribute ammunition among the troops becuase some troops will go through all hell of fighting and never fire their rifle. It is VERY hard to train a soldier or airman to kill.
You and others like you are just amazingly loyal to the point of idiocracy. Those damn intilectuals and facts will never interfear with the reality you and Trump have created. The Prez Elect was correct when he said he could shoot someone and his supporters would care less. Somehow it would be a liberal lie. But that is par for the course for you Steve. Here is my real question:
Could you lay out this so called “fail safe” for me? Is this just another fantasy you have concocted in order to make you feel safe and continue your faith in Trump? I have never heard of or read anything in that goes beyond someone willing to follow a direct order that could foil a strike command. Something like that would be on an operational level as well because the set of Generals and advisers can be commanded to do so even after protesting Generals choose to resign. Maybe you have some further info you can share with us that is based in academic fact and not emotional fantasy. Please do.
“You and others like you are just amazingly loyal to the point of idiocracy.”
I am not loyal to Trump.
“Could you lay out this so called “fail safe” for me?
No problem. Only the President can direct the use of nuclear weapons, including the Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP). While the President does have unilateral authority as commander-in-chief to order that nuclear weapons be used for any reason at any time, the actual procedures and technical systems in place for authorizing the execution of a launch order requires a secondary confirmation under a two-man rule, as the President’s order is subject to secondary confirmation by the Secretary of Defense.
Please share sources of information you know of on this subject. Any essays, articles, or book titles would be appreciated. Although I have read extensive information about this topic (some including one of your references to the 1968 test, I still have not read anything on the topic that would give me confidence that one man could unilaterally end the world.
That is not so easy to do. It is a subject about which not much has been written. During my career in the Army I was assigned to the White House as a Liaison Officer and was required to be Certified in the Personal Reliability Program (the PRP). That is the Program that allows access to the nuclear weapons and the directives and protocols that control them. To get that Certification, I had to study quite a number of both classified and unclassified documents. The best unclassified document is the “World-Wide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS), Department of Defense Directive 5100.30”, issued by Deputy Secretary of Defense David Packard on December 2, 1971. It lays out all the rules governing the release of nuclear weapons, from the President on down the Chain of Command.
I am sorry I can’t be more helpful, but I really don’t know of any other good sources. Perhaps if you Googled it?