Recall Of QAnon Witch Justine Wadsack To Begin In May

Update to Update: #SackWadsackLD17 Recall Campaign.

Arizona Right Wing Watch reports, Recall Seeks to Sack Wadsack:

Sen. Justine Wadsack (LD-17) is facing a recall.

The far-right freshman state senator has only been in office for a few months but her hateful bills and toxic behavior has fired up a group of constituents to remove Wadsack before her term ends in January 2025.

During those few months, Wadsack has sponsored dozens of bills attacking everyone from the local LGBTQ+ community to the Arizona School for the Deaf and the Blind. Wadsack’s unconstitutional SB 1413 would criminalize homelessness — unsheltered people would be fined for trespassing and their property would be disposed of. SB 1413 offered no funding for shelters and zero alternative resources. Wadsack defended her anti-homeless bill by saying the unsheltered shouldn’t be viewed with compassion because they “aren’t our neighbors” and falsely claimed they “don’t pay taxes.”

Wadsack’s similarly unconstitutional SB 1698 sought to imprison drag performers for up to 10 years under a class 4 felony if they perform in front of a minor. Wadsack has attempted to hide the intentions of her bill by removing the word “drag,” but she continued to brag that her bill would make Drag Story Hour “unlawful.” Online and in the AZ Senate, Wadsack has repeatedly denigrated the LGBTQ+ and drag community as “groomers,” even aligning with the anti-trans, astroturfed hate group “Gays Against Groomers.”

“Why are we going to wait to fight discrimination? Why are we going to wait to fight for our civil rights? I don’t see a reason to wait. I don’t,” said Carla Roberts, an LD-17 resident and co-organizer with the Sack Wadsack campaign, at their third meetup this month.

Every Saturday in April, a dedicated group, including Roberts, have been meeting in parks throughout Wadsack’s district signing up and organizing volunteers for the upcoming recall effort. Sack Wadsack organizers are expected to file the recall petition at the beginning of May. This will give the campaign until the beginning of September to collect the 30,000+ required signatures.

The recently ousted Liz Harris won’t change the political makeup of the Arizona House, but Wadsack’s removal would trigger a special election. With the AZ GOP only a one vote majority in both the House and Senate, a Wadsack recall could flip the Senate.

Wadsack has openly bragged the recently redrawn district 17 was gerrymandered in her favor [yes it was] but she barely squeaked by a win, beating Mike Nickerson by less than 3,000 votes. She also faced a legal challenge during the primary for failing to live in the district.

In court, Wadsack testified Monday that she moved into a room in the east-side home of a supporter, Rosa Alfonso, in February because she had separated from her husband. 

The home where Wadsack is renting a room on East Oakbrook Drive is in Legislative District 17, but her East Sixth Street home, which she owns in a trust with her husband, is not.

Gordon suggested he was not completely convinced by her explanations, but that Leach’s supporters had not provided sufficient proof to clear the hurdle of “clear and convincing evidence” that Wadsack did not reside at the Oakbrook home when the primary election took place, on Aug. 2.

“Is it suspicious? Absolutely,” Judge Gordon said from the bench. “But you need proof this is all made up.”

Wadsack’s connection to her district is even more tenuous than Sen. Wendy Roger’s vacation mobile home in Flagstaff. The residency requirement statute needs to be changed to domicile (a residence is a location where you may live part-time or full-time. A domicile is your legal address) or actual place of abode.

Before running, Wadsack worked as a real estate agent and regularly aligned with the far-right, anti-education “Purple for Parents” movement. While campaigning, Wadsack touted her endorsements from Purple for Parents founder Forest Moriartyand president Michelle Dillard. Back in April 2021, Wadsack was pictured amongst fellow Purple for Parents members and militia wannabes as they stormed a Vail school board meeting over the district’s mask mandate and falsely staked their claim as the new members of the board.

Wadsack also criticized the Vail School Board for books they carried in the district, specifically targeting Sherman Alexie’s novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.

“Books are an issue,” she wrote on Facebook before criticizing Alexie’s bestseller for “cultural insensitivity” and an “anti-Christian” [Nationalist] viewpoint.

Wadsack’s vendetta against books grew as she gained legislative power. SB 1700 enables the book banners to target any book that promotes “gender fluidity or pronouns” aka nearly every book ever written. In an era where anti-“CRT” and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric runs rampant, it’s obvious which pieces of work would be swept up under Wadsack’s legislation.

Christina Rodriguez, another organizer with the recall campaign, cited Wadsack’s attacks against public education as a motivator to issue a recall.

“I’m most afraid of my kids not being privy to the information I feel they need to know,” Rodriguez explained. “We are going to keep repeating history, until we learn about it and put a stop to it.”

Volunteers are still needed. The Sack Wadsack campaign is still meeting for the last two Saturdays in April. This weekend’s meeting will be at Canada Del Oro Park, next week at Naranja Park. Both from 5-7 PM. Visit for more information or follow SackWadsackLD17 on Twitter.

Volunteer and sign the petitions to recall this horrible excuse of a state legislator.

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2 thoughts on “Recall Of QAnon Witch Justine Wadsack To Begin In May”

  1. Amazing how many signatures it takes to recall an elected official. Wadsack won in LD 17 with 63,501 votes, 3,081 more over her Dem opponent Mike Nickersen.

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