Rumble, Roar, Whimper, Whine, Win: Activists Outnumber Extremists on a Prescott Summer Sunday

It started with a rumble, increased to a roar, and ended with a whimper and some whine.

College Republicans United (CRU), a right-wing extremist fringe group that’s not officially associated with a college or with the GOP at any level hosted their 3-hour Second Annual National Conference (s’cuse me while I snicker) in Prescott, Arizona, on Sunday, July 30, but not without local resistance and controversy. A tight alliance of Democrats, progressives, Indivisibles, interfaith leaders, and peaceniks sent a strong “Don’t Try That In Our Small Town” message to the extremists.

The convention was initially set to be held at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, and the slate of speakers included Eli Crane and representatives of Maricopa, Yavapai, and Pima County GOP groups. However, once campus administrators understood more about the event and its organizers, the contract was revoked on June 29.

CRU’s next attempted booking was with the Hassayampa Inn, a historic hotel in downtown Prescott. By this time, the speaker roster had been changed to include outspoken white supremacist and supporter of violence against women, Nick Fuentes, along with a host of “J6 political prisoners” including Q-Anon Shaman Jacob Chansley. It’s worth noting that Prescott bills itself as “Everybody’s Hometown.”

The first rumble: Once the three counties’ GOP honchos discovered that Fuentes had been added to the program, they backpedaled fast in a blur of insults, disavowals, and denials. Eli Crane was no longer on the program and made no statement. The flyer for the Hassayampa booking still included the GOP organization names much to their chagrin and also listed former AZ Rep John Fillmore, and the disgraced former AZ Rep Liz Harris.

The rumble spreads: By now locals were on to the organization and quickly alerted the Hassayampa that the event was not, in fact, a “college student awards ceremony” as noted in the contract. KaBoom, CRU’s national conference was unhoused again on July 13, with 16 days until the big day.

Nick Fuentes – Holocaust-denier, child-bride appreciator, and outspoken right wing nutjob – was still on deck as the audience magnet along with disgraced Joe Arpaio and a slate of neo-Nazi, mud-slinging, woman-oppressing, white supremacist, anti-diversity, anti-Semitic, chauvinistic bottom dwellers.

The AZGOP in reverse: Whoa. By July 14, It’s all-hands-off for the aforementioned GOP organizations. Radio silence from all of them about earlier involvement, sponsorship, or participation, except that Yavapai County’s own disgraced former (R) representative, David Stringer wrote a sanitized piece for his local rag, PrescottEnews in addition to his, apparent, continued sponsorship.

The rumble begins to roar: By July 25, a strong coalition of local activists, co-led by Yavapai County Democratic Party Chair, Kathleen Sauer and the leadership team of Prescott Indivisible was in full rally mode to protest the entire conference. They called for condemnation of the event by all elected officials who represent Yavapai County or Prescott residents, and presented a united front of citizen opposition.

The roar rises: Press releases, social media campaigns, sign-making parties, and action plans were formed. Elected officials were contacted for statements.

The roar gets good news: On Thursday, July 27, Nick Fuentes withdrew from the event, ostensibly because his “security concerns” were not met.

Whimper #1: On Thursday, ticketholders were notified that the event would be held at a modest meeting and event space on the north edge of Prescott – one of those nondescript places you’d miss even if you were looking for it. The Lions of Liberty, aka Oath Keepers of Chino Valley, provided the venue hookup.

The roar gets loud: Opposition leaders learned that the replacement slate of speakers was as repulsive and inflammatory as Fuentes, just without his big national megaphone. The opposition vibe went into “All hands on deck!” mode.

The roar is ON! Yavapai Democrats, Prescott Indivisibles, DWPA Democratic Women of the Prescott Area, the local Interfaith Council, and the MLK Committee set a plan to rally on the highway between 11:30 – 1:30 to coincide with the conference’s supposed start time of 12 noon. The word spread fast to every liberal, progressive, and marginalized community and their allies. Anyone and everyone who stood against hate was invited to show up and be louder than hate with love, music, community, flowers, flags, and joy.

Whimper #2: still no word from any of the city, county, state, or federal elected officials. Crickets!

A local roar win: On Friday, July 28, Brandon Montoya, Prescott’s Mayor Pro Tem, issued a statement: “I unequivocally condemn the promotion of white supremacist and anti-Semitic ideology anywhere – but especially in my hometown.” SCORE for decency!

The roar commences: On Sunday morning, July 30, as rally participants rendezvoused a quarter mile from the unmowed vacant lot fronting the event center, the mood was jubilant and unified. More than 60 people stood on the corners with signs proclaiming no-hate, inclusivity, pride, and admonitions to take the hate outta our small town. Musicians played peace rally songs as people danced in the sunshine.

Two hundred yards across the vacant lot, the local leader of the Oath Keepers stood watch, sans weapon or body armor. Another “guard” strapped on a long rifle about 30 minutes before the CRU event was to start. Passersby on Highway 89 honked in support, some stopping to join the rally.

Whimper #3: Jake Chansley, the Q-Anon Shaman, now reformed into Mr. Patriotic Red-White-And-Blue suit, walked across the vacant lot at about 1 pm, and ran his mouth nonsensically at Ms. Sauer and Mr. Daverman until a lackey called him back to make his speech.

Final whimper #4: As rally participants returned to the parking area, 21 vehicles were counted in the event center’s parking lot. At least three belonged to the staff who leaned on them menacingly. A photo from the back of the room facing the stage that CRU posted on its X feed shows 24 heads and it’s unclear how many are staff.

Whine: 2 days after it was all over, Tuesday, August 1, AZ State Rep Quang Nguyen tweeted that the Democrats had singled him out in a case of “Asian hate” by asking him repeatedly for a statement. He neglected to note that every elected official with jurisdiction over Yavapai County had been contacted as often as he was. See the YavDems tweet feed for proof that all were hounded. On August 2, he apparently invited a debate and YavDems agreed, but he has not followed up … that’s another story for another time. He has a history of not agreeing to debate.

Bottom Roooooooaaahhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrr: don’t bring your big hate to small town Prescott or you’ll be met with big loving resistance.

Prescott and the Quad-City area has its liberal act together and alliances formed. Small-town bullies and nut jobs can just go away.

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