Senator Sinema’s Insouciance

An interesting tidbit from reporting on Romney’s recent book was sent to me by the AZBlueMeanie from his compound in Pepperland yesterday:

Kyrsten Sinema said she doesn’t care if she loses reelection because she ‘saved the Senate by myself’ and can go serve ‘on any board I want to,’ book says

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema will face an exceedingly difficult re-election race in Arizona next year, if she chooses to run. But the Democrat-turned-independent may not be sweating it all that much.

According to reporter McKay Coppins’s new book, “Romney: A Reckoning,” Sinema once told Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah that she could “do anything” once she’s out of office and feels that what she’s done in the Senate is “good enough.”

“I don’t care. I can go on any board I want to. I can be a college president. I can do anything,” she told Romney, according to the book. “I saved the Senate filibuster by myself. I saved the Senate by myself. That’s good enough for me.”

Hannah Hurley, a Sinema aide, disputed the characterization of the senator’s remarks as presented in the book.

Romney: A Reckoning by  McKay Coppins 

“Disputed the characterization of the senator’s remarks” is clearly not a simple denial. Sinema definitely said this to Romney.

Sinema’s sheer arrogance in thinking that she ‘saved’ the Senate by preserving the filibuster is gobsmacking but, frankly, not surprising to anyone who has watched her career trajectory. It is also telling that she frames her political choices in such a stunningly self-interested way: she clearly doesn’t care about what results from her choices other than how it affects her future career prospects. One has to wonder if she makes the political choices she does based solely on self interest. I don’t think it unreasonable to conclude so from this bit of intel.

The sooner Arizona is shut of #SingleTermSinema the better. She truly is an independent – not just in that she now identifies as a member of no party – but in that she really represents no one’s interests but those of Krysten Sinema’s at this point.

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7 thoughts on “Senator Sinema’s Insouciance”


    The microsecond she’s out of the Senate all those boards are going to be “New Phone! Who dis? I’m sorry you have the wrong number”

    She only ever held any sway because she was the fulcrum of a slim majority. The moment she’s not that, she’s useless to them.

  2. “Sinema’s sheer arrogance in thinking that she ‘saved’ the Senate by preserving the filibuster is gobsmacking but, frankly, not surprising to anyone who has watched her career trajectory. ”

    If she were any more full of herself she’d explode leaving a nasty mess for her staff or domestic help to clean up.

    • Most of Girlfriend’s clothes have no room for expansion. They’re already begging for full body compression shapewear.

      I’m so mean today.

    • The “I saved the filibuster” BS is her way of reminding rich people, “hey, you f’ckers owe me now get down there and don’t stop until I finish”.

      That Schumer foisted her on Arizona should not be surprising to anyone who can put two and two together.

      Schumer is a Senator from NY (one), where Wall Street (two) cocaine dealers and hookers make their money.

      • ““hey, you f’ckers owe me now get down there and don’t stop until I finish””. And may those f’ckers laugh as they stiff her so she can eventually wind up as a bag lady. As Liza once said she certainly has the wardrobe.

        All that sturm and drang about a Senate dress code, brought on by Joe Manchin because he didn’t like the rules being relaxed for John Fetterman. Odd that Manchin never mentioned Sinema in his whining, isn’t it?

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