Spare some change? for the homeless

Last Wednesday I stumbled upon a green/blue parking meter outside the Joel D. Valdez Main library (101 N. Stone Ave.), not a regular parking meter but one that collects donation$ for homeless programs.  Just missed the press conference about Tucson Change Movement (in association with the Community Foundation of So AZ), a new program that is setting up about 20 of these colorful meters around downtown, the modern streetcar line and 4th Avenue, I took these photos to inform our readers. And I put in a quarter, just to test it and it read that I had paid for “12 minutes” just like  regular (gray) City of Tucson parking meters on the streets.

So, if you have spare change, drop it in this meter when you visit the main library, or other locations around town.  More info at You can also insert a credit card for any amount of a donation. Hopefully we will hear back later how successful this new program is.

“The Mission of the Tucson Change Movement is to raise awareness and support innovative solutions to end homelessness in the city of Tucson. Objectives of the Mission are accomplished by mobilizing a network of compassionate merchants, citizens and patrons to fundraise and provide funding for program and initiatives that have a measurable impact on homelessness and related issues in Tucson. Tucson Change Movement is a merchant driven initiative that facilitates donation of time, resources and expertise for the greater good of the community.

Tucson Change Movement donation meters are located in the downtown Tucson area along the modern streetcar line. You’ll find 20 of these brightly colored credit card enabled smart meters on Fourth Avenue, Maingate Square, Mercado San Agustin and in busy areas in the downtown area including by the Tucson Convention Center and Downtown Pima County Library.”

“Your change matters”, says their website. And in these cases, it does. The program is trying to raise awareness of the homeless situation in Tucson, and there are many homeless people right there at Jacome Plaza, outside the main library.


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2 thoughts on “Spare some change? for the homeless”

  1. Please explain how the money will be used to directly help homeless people and what the oversight mechanism is for distribution. People know if they give a homeless person some change or a sandwich that it will help them, they don’t know if the change in the meter will help someone who is hungry today. None of the articles have delved into that. I think people would be more inclined to donate if they knew that answer without going to websites.

    • Sorry, I have no idea which is why I directed readers to the website. This is a new program so contact the Tucson Change Movement at (520) 609-4592 with your questions. I wondered about that myself after I put my quarter in the parking meter. Or contact Community Foundation of Southern Arizona.

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