Why not an All Woman Democratic Presidential Ticket in 2020

One year from today, this country may have a new President and Vice President. Is it possible the nation may finally have the first woman President in United States History? The First Woman Vice President? Or may it actually be an All Woman Democratic Presidential Ticket in 2020? Why not? The country came within less … Read more

Democratic Presidential Debates

BfAZ Authors React to the Second Democractic Debate

By Blog For Arizona’s Authors Mike Bryan, David Gordon and Pamela Powers Hannley Here is the full video of the event: https://youtu.be/cX7hni-zGD8 Here is the debate transcript. Reactions from Michael Bryan: The first and primary takeaway of the second debate was to totally throw open the race: All of the leading candidates are now on … Read more

Not so fast Joe and Bernie. Democrats have an embarrassment of riches to choose from.

Remember President Jerry Brown in 1993? Remember President Hillary Clinton in 2009? Well if you went with early Presidential Polling, Brown and Clinton should have been the President according to polls taken months before the first Iowa Caucuses. History played out differently and Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama, after the 1992 and 2008 primary and … Read more