The BfA Medal for Bravery Under Fire goes to . . .

by David Safier
I have to express my admiration for Matthew Ladner's tenacity and his willingness to enter this liberal lion's den again and again and again (Though I want to make it clear, Matthew, that the lion's den reference does not turn you into Daniel. Don't press your luck!). I'm sure we can find some issues to agree on in places where his libertarian strain comes together with my liberal inclinations. And there's always our mutual enjoyment of the occasional pop reference or witty dig. But most often, he is a lone voice for his point of view, against a very intelligent, well informed and well spoken written group of commenters who never tire of taking him to task. And yet he keeps coming back for more.

If I were in his position, I would most likely pick up my marbles and go home.

This is why heterogeneous communities are more interesting, and probably more viable, than homogeneous communities (Yet another reason why Sonia Sotomayor is a wonderful pick for the Supreme Court). It's good for all of us to test our assumptions and to sharpen our ideas by going head to head with people we disagree with, especially intelligent, well informed people. (William F. Buckley said he preferred hanging around with liberals than conservatives, because he found them more interesting and stimulating, probably because he loved rhetoric and debate, and where's the fun in debating people you agree with?) It's also helpful when someone brings a different set of facts (or sometimes factoids) and links into the discussion. We all benefit.

I haven't taken the time to PhotoShop together a Medal for Bravery Under Fire, Matthew (I might have found the time if I didn't have to come up with answers to your comments that you won't be able to tear to pieces), so we will make this a virtual medal.

Matthew, I don't agree with you, but I salute you for the courage, or pathology, or combination of the two, that keeps bringing you back to BfA and keeps us from getting smug and lazy.

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