The GOP ticket: Galt – Gekko 2012

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

Willard "Mittens" Romney introduced Paul Ryan as the next President of the United States, and a short time later came back on stage to correct himself by putting his arm around Ryan, and said "Every now and then, I'm known to make a mistake." You don't say!


Paul Krugman has brilliantly named the GOP ticket the Galt / Gekko 2012 campaign:

Paul Ryan for VP — or, as Romney said in the press conference, “the next president of the United States”. I did say Galt/Gekko, not Gekko/Galt.

There is, I gather, lots of horse-race speculation: It’s a disaster! No, it changes the conversation away from Bain and those missing tax returns! I have no idea who’s right.

What I do know is that anyone who believes in Ryan’s carefully cultivated image as a brave, honest policy wonk has been snookered. Mark Thoma reviews selected pieces I’ve written about Ryan; he is, in fact, a big fraud, who doesn’t care at all about fiscal responsibility, and whose policy proposals are sloppy as well as dishonest. Of course, this means that he’ll fit in to the Romney campaign just fine.

As I said, I have no idea how this will play politically. But it does look like a move from weakness, rather than strength; Romney obviously felt he needed a VP who will get people to stop talking about him.

2 thoughts on “The GOP ticket: Galt – Gekko 2012”

  1. Video of Ryan endorsing Jeff Flake…toxic mess!!

    By picking Ryan as his running mate, Mitt Romney has endorsed:

    turning Medicare into a voucher system
    privatizing Social Security
    slashing Medicaid
    and defunding Planned Parenthood.
    All of these ideas are promoted by Flake, who would go even farther by gutting veterans benefits and student loans. WAKE UP< ARIZONA!!!

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