The Great Schlep to Florida – Sarah Silverman (Rated-R for language)

Posted by AzBlueMeanie:

For all of my Jewish friends who support Barack Obama and who have relatives living in Florida who still keep asking you about those viral e-mails they keep receiving about "Obama is a secret Muslim," here is something you can do to counter these Swift Boat smears from the right-wing.

The Jewish Council for Education and Research — a new pro-Obama political action committee — is organizing "The Great Schlep," in which hundreds of Jews will make the Southern exodus on Columbus Day weekend, Oct. 10-13. They will travel to the Fort Lauderdale area, where they will visit their grandparents, organize political salons in their condos and eat incredibly bad food. The grandkids also will meet up at a bar one night, which — if the psychological impact of spending a few days with frail, elderly, widowed relatives is taken fully into account — may do more to repopulate the world’s Jews than the creation of Israel. Off on the Great Schlep – Los Angeles Times (Read the entire Joel Stein opinion, very funny).

Grandchildren may be the key to turning Florida blue in 2008.  Make your travel plans now if you have not already done so.

Sarah Silverman, the always outrageous and occasionally very funny comedian, has put together an ad for the Great Schlep.  Very funny (Rated-R for language) may be slow loading.

The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.