The Lincoln Project Gets Involved in the Georgia Senate Races with “1962”

Well, the Lincoln Project, headed by ex Republicans that have repudiated their party, is showing again that it is not just Donald Trump they want out of office.

They want his enablers in Congress and across the country gone as well.

In their new ad “1962,” the Lincoln Project involves itself in the two Georgia Senate Runoff Elections, telling the viewers that voting for Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue is like voting for Donald Trump and policies last seen in the 1960’s.

The narrator states:

“They’re at it again, trying to take away our right to vote. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler support Donald Trump’s plan to strip Georgia voters of our right to vote. Black and military voters will lose their voice. You can stop it. Vote for Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. We’ve come too far to go back to Jim Crow. We made history on November 3. Let’s do it again.”

Please click here to access the article that has links to sites that will show you how you can help the Democratic Senate Candidates in Georgia.
The Battle for Control of the United States Senate is still on.

Please help stop Enemy of the People-Political Prince of Darkness Moscow Mitch McConnell from becoming Majority Leader.

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1 thought on “The Lincoln Project Gets Involved in the Georgia Senate Races with “1962””

  1. Good ad. Let’s hope the Lincoln Project is more successful in swaying Republican voters than their outstanding work during the general election did.

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